I am about to hit something. My mom makes me so mad. So Ive got my cousin taking me to a show that she refuses to take me to right? Im paying for my own and my cousins tickets with my OWN money plus babysitting my butt off to pay for gas and a hotel, because its two hours away. I ask my mom to take me to one thats like 20 minutes away, for a band she LIKES, and shes like 'No! Quit asking me to take you to all these far away places and pay for your tickets! I dont have the money!' This is after the past 3 shows Ive asked her to take me too I had the money for my and her ticket, gas, and a hotel. And she still cant go because she 'Has no money' What. The. Heck. And I only ask her to take me after I can find no one else to. I never make her pay for my tickets. Except once she paid for my cousins because I finished the year with a 4.0 GPA. I always pay for gas and tickets. ALWAYS. For the past like 10 shows. And Ive asked her to take me to 3. Which I didnt get to go to because she wont take me. I always make arragnements with my ride myself. Shes not involved in any way. Hell, sometimes she doesnt even know Im going until I pack up the day before -.- She makes no sense and it makes me so mad -.-<br><br><br><span style="font-size:59">I know Ive been venting a lot lately, but please bear with me. Lifes hard sometimes.</span>