It's weird how the title of this vent works out, because it's a song that Cinema Bizarre wrote (one of my favorite bands). Back in november or december, Cinema Bizarre release another video diary on their websites, titled "CB-TV: Best of Cinema Bizarre" When I watched it, it was pretty depressing and it had other clips from their video diaries. I kept thinking why did they put this out?? I guess I didn't want to believe that "It's over," so I tricked my mind thinking, "oh it's just video of all their accomplishments" which is also true. So their last video diary is a combination of the end of Cinema Bizarre and showing the world of their accomplishments. They even added a clip in the video of Lady Gaga saying beautiful/amazing comments about the band. Since she allowed them to tour with her last year (which I didn't get to go -cries-). <br><br>Last night before I went to bed, Clo asked me if I would like a banner because she was in a banner mood, and of course I said yes. I asked for a Cinema Bizarre banner

Since I went to bed before she finished it, I was extremely anxious to see how it came out. Once I saw it, it was amazing and beautiful. Then I go check this other website and Cinema Bizarre release this statement:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dear fans, dear friends,<br><br>As a band we reached a point in our career where it is time for us to start something new.<br>We decided to discontinue working as Cinema Bizarre from now on and take a break beginning in 2010.<br><br>We want to say thank you for all the faithful and devoted loyalty and we are grateful for getting the chances able to work with wonderful and talented people.<br>The results are two albums that made us travel the whole world to see your faces and play our songs.<br><br>We look back in delight, are happy to be the best German newcomer outside Germany, we like to think about all the concerts we played.<br>The last year was a huge success for Cinema Bizarre.<br>Some say one should leave off with an appetite.<br><br>All's well that ends well - we'll meet again.<br>Stay true to yourself.<br><br>Love, Cinema Bizarre</span><br><br><br>After reading that, omg, I just burst into tears. You never really know how much you love a band until it ends. Their music really helped me through the hard times. Then, I checked all their other websites and it's true, it is really over.<br><br><br>Just now, one of the Cinema Bizarre supports got permission to announce that the leader singer of Cinema Bizarre is going solo. (The lead singer is Strify, the guy on my siggy

)<br><br><br>Even though, they broke up I shouldn't stay sad forever. Sadly nothing lasts forever. I keep telling myself "just be happy and remember all the good times, you had listening to them." I support their decision no matter what. Like what they always say: "Stay Bizarre" And my friends, I shall do.<br><br><br>Staying Bizarre Forever,<br>-Lyc<br><br><br><br><br><br>Sorry about the long vent.....I just needed to let it all out.
