she thought someone was stealing her copyright.<br>it's okay.<br>calm down<br>xD<br>*pets*<br>i think she's pming you.<br>
<br><br>Ah crap! It was supposed ot be a watermark, and it was gonna be a brush, so I just drew the paw so i knew where to put the mark an dsaved it and never fixed it. CRAP! -hides from wrath of Chibs- I'm soory Chibs I didn;t mean too! :oops:
she thought someone was stealing her copyright.<br>it's okay.<br>calm down<br>xD<br>*pets*<br>i think she's pming you.<br>
<br><br>Ah crap! It was supposed ot be a watermark, and it was gonna be a brush, so I just drew the paw so i knew where to put the mark an dsaved it and never fixed it. CRAP! -hides from wrath of Chibs- I'm soory Chibs I didn;t mean too! :oops:
<br><br>*pets* Read my PM you terrified coaster. xDD
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