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10x4 Rottweilers, Pointers, Boxers and Huskys!!!>>

edited January 2010 in Auction
I am autioning pups. There are many different varietys here, so take your pick! These are prices><br><br><span style="color:red">Rottweilers~</span>-Unnuetered is 4 or 5 mil<br>-Nuetered is 3 mil<br><br><span style="color:red">Pointers~</span><br>Unnuetered is 2 mil<br>Nuetered-1 mil<br><br><span style="color:red">Boxers~</span><br>Unnuetered is 2 mil<br>Neutered is 1 mil<br><br><span style="color:red">Huskys~</span>-Unneutered is 4 or 5 or 6 mil<br>-Neutered is 2 mil<br><br>I hope these prices are low enough! If not, I am negotiable.<br><br>ALSO, I can have them skill/stat trained for and additional 500k. Just post or PM me at this kennel><br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>*Please note dogs are not born yet, there will be about a day or two wait.


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