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People on VP

edited January 2010 in Vent
This is directed to no one, first off. Though some of you who may want to start drama or an arguement may think that it's directed to a single person, I am not intending on directing it to anyone. If you feel I'm directly attacking you, please report me. I would hate to make anyone feel like some people are making me feel.<br><br>People on vp have become so rude! Not all of them, but some. Some people think that because they've been here for a year or two longer than another person, they can bully that person and jump on every wrong move they make. I feel like, if I say something that's supposed to be funny or if I'm letting my feelings out, even telling a story, someone will pick out every wrong move I make or misspelling I make and be annoyed by just that! I feel like I'm a total noob sometimes! It's pressuring me to be perfect, when I know I'll never be! It's creating stress for me in real life, as well. I am not an emotional person. I never cry, I hardly ever get defensive, but lately, these people have pushed me to the point where I've been rude to them, and I really do not want to make anyone feel this way. These people will rule out all of the bad things in me, and mostly me only, along with a few others. I have no clue why. Why can't people pick out the good things in people and praise them for it, instead of seeing all of the bad things? These people obviously want drama. They try to get in a fight over every little thing, a misspelling, an animal, everything!<br>I know I'm all over the place, I can't organize my vent. xD<br>But getting to my point,<br>if things don't clear up, I am seriously considering leaving VP. I really don't want to! Vp has always been my stress releiver, where I could go without being judged or pressured to wear the right clothes or act normal. xD But lately, it's driven me so far that the littlest thing in my life will bring me to tears. I feel like I'm weird, don't fit in anywhere, and a terrible person. If you know that you've been rude to anyone, please consider changing your ways. You don't understand how hard a single negative word can be on a person. You don't understand how tiring it is to deal with all of your drama. And most of all, you don't know how hard it makes it to go on in real life without feeling like a odd-ball who can't even fit in in a virtual world.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • Yes.<br>I agree. Some people snap at you for one little thing!<br>Don't quit. Show those people that you don't really care about what they say.<br>I loves Pepper!
  • I agree... I've only been here since this fall, but I've met my share of rude people. Very rude, as a matter of fact. There are some very nice people though, and I think they make it worth it (well, I think that until someone rude comes along anyway.......)<br><br>Anyway, just ignore the rude people. Make a little list for yourself of those who have been rude to you, and just don't interact with them unless they apologize. They don't deserve a response, really. And it's all them, not you!
  • Now I've been on Vp for a long time (4 years I beleive) and I've been Fortunate to not come across many "rude"people in my years as a novice, as you know novices are most likly to be targetted by Adds and such newbies. Anyways I deal with Rude people by ignoring them. The handy dandy ignore button in game always works, and if you have mibbit or mIRC for chat Ignoring such person is an easy task. Just right click and irnore, it's that simple.<br><br><br>So pepper if you leave I'll hound you on another website :D
  • Rude people are everywhere. You're going to deal with them in real life, and you are going to deal with them online, and they may not even be 'rude'.<br><br>You have to take into consideration that person's life as well. Perhaps they are having a bad day, perhaps something you did was enough to make them snap. You don't know the other persons life, what they are currently going through, or any of that. Clearly, if they are saying something to you, they probably have a valid reason behind it, and you may be reading it/misinterpreting it wrong. And you calling people rude, may be hurting them just as much as you think they were trying to hurt you ^.-<br><br>I have met my share of people I don't get along with on here, but I usually move on and don't care what other people think. Quite honestly, it feels like I hardly have any good relationships on here lately, but once again, I don't care. I talk to the people I get along with, and I try to ignore those I don't and the world keeps on moving. <br><br>Overall, VP is one of the best communities I have seen online. There are other sites where people purposefully try to hurt others and humiliate them, and start fights - I have seen none of that on VP. I don't think anyone intentionally starts problems, and most often, this community is pretty tight.<br><br>While I have seen some rude behaviors on here, most often that same person is nice the majority of the time :3
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <br>You have to take into consideration that person's life as well. Perhaps they are having a bad day, perhaps something you did was enough to make them snap. You don't know the other persons life, what they are currently going through, or any of that. Clearly, if they are saying something to you, they probably have a valid reason behind it, and you may be reading it/misinterpreting it wrong. And you calling people rude, may be hurting them just as much as you think they were trying to hurt you ^.-<br>
    <br>Well, I shouldn't stay on a virtual website if it's just gonna add more stress to my life. :/<br>And I'm not calling anyone rude directly, they couldn't possibly be hurt if I'm not calling them rude.<br>And It's not just been one day... it's been about a year or more that these people have been rude, and it's taking a bigger toll on me as it goes on.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • This post almost sounds like you're calling everyone out about how this game is full of such 'rude' people. Yeahyeah, I know you have the little "This is directed to no one, first off." but to me that doesn't change one bit how this sounds to me. It's about as effective as saying 'no offense but..'<br><br>Anyways, if people over the internet are bothering you so much, log off? I agree with what Nickel said about there being worse sites. Other sites I have been on, people have tried to put others down with no remorse or mercy. If it was honestly that bad on here, those people wouldn't be here anymore.If the internet is effecting you that much in real life, maybe you should try doing other things? <br><br>You don't know them, and they don't know you so why should their comments matter to you at all and cause you to be all upset over something 'ilikedogsrescueknnel' said to you?<br><br>Yeah fine, I get upset over some things on here when I feel I am attacked or someone is personally trying to piss me off but I don't let that effect me for more than a couple minutes. I shut off the computer and/or do something else for a bit. I dont make that big of a deal out of anything people on here say to me. I talk to a friend about it and then don't think about it. <br><br>And you just pointed out that you're rude to people back. Maybe you're part of the cycle. Maybe the person rude to you had something rude said to them earlier. It sounds like the pot calling the kettle black, to be honest.<br><br>VP has a lot of good qualities and this is the closest community online that I have yet to see. Sure, there are flaws and such but overall, I don't think its that bad. Seriously, if it makes you feel that bad that maybe you should take some sort of break. ;)<br><br>If this sounded 'rude' I didn't mean it to be. I am just stating how I am seeing things and my interpretation and view.
  • :O<br><br>Well one their are many rude people on here, its because they think they are better than you, somtimes also on the internet people sound ruder than maybe they intended.<br><br>But also I have found many rude people, I aloso feel like making a vent I never have but I always feel like it. <br><br>Not everyone on here is rude, and personally to me it seems pepper isnt calling out people just because. Some people are rude, and others can be a times. It kind of annoying but I understand where your coming from. Im not tring to argue just so you know ;) Just stateing my opinion.<br><br>Now as a novice I was pushed around by sponcer who though I was some worthless pecice of crap and that I had no value. Now starting to get toalking to people and getting more known I find most are nice, but def not all. Alot of people will hold grudges on here that you dont even know what you did, and they have never talked to you about it. <br><br><br>Another thing someone else said was that if someone had a bad day, well I understand that but it's no right to be rude even if someone died. if you know you might start arguing maybe dont come on till that thing in your life is over? I know when my cousin died, I tried my hardest to be nice, and its still hard cause Im still dealing with it but I try to be happy and nice to everyone becausse I know if you are nice to them they will be nice to you.
  • Not everyone on here is rude, and personally to me it seems pepper isnt calling out people just because. Some people are rude, and others can be a times. It kind of annoying but I understand where your coming from. Im not tring to argue just so you know ;) Just stateing my opinion.
    <br><br>Who was this directed at? Me? If it is, I get what you're saying. I didnt think she was doing it 'just because'. If you didn't mean me, then pardon my response xD
  • <br><br>Well one their are many rude people on here, its because they think they are better than you, somtimes also on the internet people sound ruder than maybe they intended.<br>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:deeppink">They do think they are better than you. Just get back up when they knock you down, and then ignore them. :D </span></span>
  • tarnish wrote:
    Not everyone on here is rude, and personally to me it seems pepper isnt calling out people just because. Some people are rude, and others can be a times. It kind of annoying but I understand where your coming from. Im not tring to argue just so you know ;) Just stateing my opinion.
    <br><br>Who was this directed at? Me? If it is, I get what you're saying. I didnt think she was doing it 'just because'. If you didn't mean me, then pardon my response xD
    <br><br>It wasnt directed to a certain person, I didnt read who had wrote what. If you wrote something like that prob XD I was just writing :P<br><br><br>Ya I knwo you should just forget abotu people, but when they just keep doing it is when its annoying.
  • yeah. I've been ignoring the people who are rude for a long time. About two years. It's finally starting to get to me, though.<br>And I wasn't calling everyone rude. I never said that. I specifically said that only SOME were rude. You must've misread.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I think people should take a deep breath. Yes, some people on this game can be 'rude'. When I was a full time novice a few years back, I had someone pushing me around kinda. They were asking for help on what breed to create a line on (a sponcer) and so I told them my ideas. The reply I got was that my views didn't matter because I was a lousy novice. Everybody has their own views, and are entitled to them, and everyone should respect each other with the same views, and the way they would like to be treated. I am on no side, just firmly in the middle. What Pepper is saying, is true is some cases. And yes, if course, this is a small amount of people. I have a similar situation in rl. I'm going to a new school, I can't be friends with the 'popular' people because I don't wear the right clothes, or hang/know the right people. I'm friends with the 'goth/scene' people, because, generally, they are nice. I am not a goth, but because people judge and don't know me, they instantly catagorise. One of my friends is frosty to them, because these people have been horrible and judging, so I can't be friends with them either. So, I'm incredibly lonely, because the people I hang with aren't exactly people I can trust (there is 3 of them.) they judge aswell, so I'm like NO! YOU GET ANNOYED WHEN PEOPLE JUDGE, SO DONT DO IT TO ME! Just because I don't like really heavy metal. Anyway, people need to see both sides. And treat people the way they would want to be treated. Think about what you would feel if someone said it to you (ps. Not directed at all yo anyone on here, I am not a judging person in any respect, and in case you are wonering, I wouldn't want to be friends with the 'popular people' in rl. If it means I can't be who I am.) xD

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    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • Aha.<br>This might get a little worse when I step in.<br><br>I'll admit, VP has its rude people.<br>I'll admit, I'm occasionally one of them.<br>Not because I've been playing for, what, 3 years?<br>But because some people just annoy the everloving piss outta me.<br>And, granted, I probably annoy the everloving piss out of mostly everyone on here, too.<br><br>Everyone has their bad sides. Whether you're online, or in real life, everyone is going to be rude.<br>Maybe it's because I know VP has it's rumors like school does? That almost always worsens the situations.<br><br>Hell.<br>It's all of the players on VP. OPs included. [Then again, I've never really liked forced control, even if it's for the better, so ignore that comment.]<br>We're all rude. Sometimes, we don't mean to be, and that's the tone that comes out in the text, or sometimes we actually try to be.<br><br>To Woodpecker:<br>Stereotypes suck, don't they? D:
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • o.O I'd like to know what sponsors are pushing people around and 'calling names' because when I was a novice all of the sponsors I ever spoke to were more than nice and generous. Even now, I see sponsors being nicer than novices most times.<br><br>It seems like novices use the "I'm just a novice' excuse to, in their own way, call sponsors 'names' since I hear novices complain about sponsors more than I think is necessary.<br><br>I play other games as well that there is a sponsorship allowed.... but there aren't any problems between novices and sponsors there either o.O And VP is more friendly than most sites... so I'm slightly confused as to where that all is coming from.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I guess I'm lucky to have good experiences both times I've gotten into VP, but I still know the type of experiences you are talking about since it happens on a lot of sites.<br><br>You seem very nice, so if we lost you then the rude people might move in. If it's stressing you out, maybe you should take a break and play only when life's stressful are low, so that it doesn't become overwhelming. That's what I do.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • o.O I'd like to know what sponsors are pushing people around and 'calling names' because when I was a novice all of the sponsors I ever spoke to were more than nice and generous. Even now, I see sponsors being nicer than novices most times.<br><br>It seems like novices use the "I'm just a novice' excuse to, in their own way, call sponsors 'names' since I hear novices complain about sponsors more than I think is necessary.<br><br>I play other games as well that there is a sponsorship allowed.... but there aren't any problems between novices and sponsors there either o.O And VP is more friendly than most sites... so I'm slightly confused as to where that all is coming from.
    <br><br><br>Oh.. It was years back.. (ps. No one on here xD) and I agree, the tables have turned. -some- novices do complain, in the past week or so, I must of had about 10 messages asking for donations eg. I'm a novice, so I need a donation, give one to me.' ahem. Don't get me wrong.. I've given away millions in the past, but random donations,, only occasionally when they ask, but only if they say please.. And now I'm beginning to wonder.. How word circulates?.. But Youre always going to come across rude people in life, everyone has been, and everyone should admit it.. Buy I guess not as bad as others xD (not at anyone on vp) so yeha xD<br><br>- and sunny, I don't tuinkyou annoy people xD

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • I haven't really been here long enough to know whether people are rude or not, but the relative anonymity of the internet tends to encourage really bad behavior in some people.<br><br>Hard as it can be to ignore, don't let a few internet creeps get you down. Concentrate on the good aspects of the game, and interact with the people that aren't rude. And keep in mind that some people are rude unintentionally. I used to be kind of thin skinned when I was younger, but I thought about it and actually started feeling sorry for people who were mean to me. Something must have gone wrong with them for them to behave this way, especially on an internet game, and that's kind of sad.
  • I actually haven't noticed too many rude people on here. I guess I'm lucky to have avoided them. I'd say about 90% of people on VP really are nice, though, like Sunny said we can all be rude at times. Really, in my opinion, I don't mind a little bid of "rudeness" here and there. Most people are only expressing their opinions and it can be interesting to hear everyone's views. <br><br>I do understand that you are frustrated though. I hope this rudeness gets better for you. I don't think anyone on here really wants to offend anyone.<br><br>If you really can't take it anymore, it may be best for you just to take a little break. But before you do try to remember that people all get annoyed and edgy sometimes. No one wants to offend you. <br><br>Hope this gets better for you!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • ...I'm only going to talk about one thing I KNOW about... xD<br><br>Often, internet communication is misunderstood.<br>Someone might TYPE something to you and then<br>You make up your own tone that they said it in.<br>You make up the meaning.<br>You emphasize one word you don't like.<br>You pick at every little detail to figure out what they meant by it.<br><br>[And by <span style="font-style:italic">you</span>, I don't mean <span style="font-weight:bold">you</span> as in Pepper. I mean someone in general that's misunderstanding a message. xD]<br><br>I know that even while talking to my real-life friends in PERSON [and online], I have misunderstood something they said and FREAKED OUT. Then they freak out back telling me, "I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY." And then I freak out for them freaking out at me. It's an endless freak out sometimes until someone gives up, gets fed up, or "wins."<br><br>And by the way, it doesn't always end in someone freaking out. If a person is patient and tolerant, they could easily say, "Excuse me? I'm not sure what you meant by that, could you please be more specific so I don't take that the wrong way?"<br><br>If the person on the other side of the conversation is decent, they'll be polite and tell you exactly what they meant.<br><br>[And if they really WERE being rude, ignore them, block them, and forget then completely. They aren't worth your precious time.]<br><br><br>I know it's hard to ignore someone that pissed you off so much that you want to punch the keyboard as you're telling them off. Right? I know the feeling. And I am also one of those very bad-tempered people that LA-LA-LOVE [xD] to piss people off once they've made me angry. When it comes to online, I don't care though. If I don't know them, who cares? They don't know me, they can't piss me off that much. Which is a great way to see things if you're having trouble dealing with rude people.<br><br>I'll admit it, people can be rude. But so can you. And me. And everyone else. xD<br><br>A good vent often helps, as you get some good, helpful feedback. Good luck with the people that piss you off and please don't quit because of SOMEONE ELSE'S INCONSIDERATE WAYS! :\ There are many considerate people on this game that love talking to you and seeing you make posts. I know I sure do love reading about your rats. <3 And it always makes me happy to see you talk about them and update on how they're doing. =D
  • *headdesk* I've been here for a little over 3 years now and I can honestly say that back in late '06 and early '07 people were A LOT nicer and more helpful than they are now. <br><br>And I agree with what Nickel said, most of the sponsors I met when I joined were very sweet and helpful, now the sponsors fight with each other and won't help the novices...
  • Jazz wrote:
    now the sponsors fight with each other and won't help the novices...
    <br><br>=O Really? I've honestly never seen this.
  • Jazz wrote:
    *headdesk* I've been here for a little over 3 years now and I can honestly say that back in late '06 and early '07 people were A LOT nicer and more helpful than they are now.<br>
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Jazz wrote:
    now the sponsors fight with each other and won't help the novices...
    <br><br>=O Really? I've honestly never seen this.
    <br>Seriously? I've talked to several novices who've told me that other sponsors wouldn't help them for various reasons.<br><br>And well I've seen people fight on here, lol. Sponsors and novices.
  • Good advice, Garfield.<br><br>As the game gets bigger and more people play and upgrade, the larger the number of "unhelpful" sponsors there will be, but there's also an increase in the number of helpful sponsors.<br><br>Likewise, the more people on the game, the more fights there's going to be as personalities clash and people have their own friends to make them feel more secure.<br><br>It's just how it goes. The best thing anyone can do is to lead by example. Be helpful, notice when other people are helpful and acknowledge it. Don't let yourself be drawn into fights.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Sometimes you just need thick skin, if you can't have thick skin over something petty on the internet, then you're most likely gonna get hurt everyday in the real world...some people are just like that. I will admit I am very rude in person but tone down when I am online. I have quit a lot of other forums because that's all it was a competition to slaughter someone with words...and that is where the line is drawn. Most of my sarcastic personality gets the best of me, but it's not much one can help when I am around it with my family and I have that personality. But no one should be offended by anyone over the internet because you don't now nor will probably meet that person in real life, just shrug it off.<br>That's what's wrong with reading things over text, internet, etc. you can never know exactly how they are saying it. Me and my boyfriend have to use smileys in our text to show emotion because we have a hard time communicating through text. xD
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