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My Funny Rant

edited January 2010 in Vent
Alright, this si me complaining about something that involves pain and humor :lol: <br><br>Yesterday I went sledding with my best guy friends. 4 guys (3 of them high school) against 2 girls (1 high school 1 middle school). <br><br>We played a game called "High-jacker" :twisted: where one or 2 people<br>sit at the bottom of the hill and tackle as many people as they can <br>off their sleds. Well, my friend decided to hit me from the side<br>and I landed HARD on the ground, the snow was not much of a cushion.<br>So now my left side of my body is one big bruise. <br>I then came inside from the sledding and my friend's sister (who has leukemia) said "I was watching and that looked painful..." i replied..."So<br>you didn't come to help me?!" she replied..."Nope, too cold for me, and besides I was laughing." I chucked a marshmallow at her :lol:<br>she looked at me and said "Oh ya, lets all chuck marshmallows at<br>the cancer child over here!" -she said this sarcasically FYI- <br>So I did, then she threw a pillow at me...hard. Lol, it was REALLY funny, <br>but VERY painful :lol:<br><br><br>xD


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