Real quick:<br><br>I've been clenching my jaw in my sleep, although I've been having either no dreams at all or good dreams.<br><br>And it hurts. I can barely talk, and the way I curl my S' is awkward... Not the way I normally do it. <br>I noticed it today when I was half asleep in math... [I finished my test early], and woke up because someone dropped their calculator, and found that I was clenching my jaw.<br><br>Bit of help here? What do I do to stop this? It's been causing my migraines.. x.x
"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
Semper Fi.