Ok so we've had 3 Chinchillas. Before I went to 5th grade [8th grade now] we got 2. A male and a female. They had already had a couple of babies together so the pet store didn't want to split them up. So we got em. We intended to breed them so before we took them home we read up. <br>So we took them home a few weeks later and all was well. The male was slower/less active then the female from the start. We figured it's just a personality difference. Then 2 weeks after we took them home the male died. We figured he caught a disease or something at the pet store. <br>Then we didn't buy another. I was quite disappointed, cause I was really looking forward to babies. Then about a year went by...we all bonded with the female [chinchy]. We decided to get another male. So we went through the whole process of introducing them..blahblahblah. AND finally they were comfortable being together. and we didn't have to monitor them and make sure they didn't hurt one another. <br>Lalala. Everything going wonderfully. We figured they'd breed when they felt it best. It wasn't happening. We have no idea what was stopping them breeding because they were always snuggled up together all cute. Then last Christmas Chinchy died. We had her for so long that it was pretty sad. She was part of the family. <br>Then I think my parents decided no Chinchillas until the whole recession goes bye bye! Or I buy my own. So practically a year went by. I accepted that we'd have Cole until he was an old man. And then came Dad's ole Christmas bonus!! He gave me $167 of it as a Christmas present. And then since I got a laptop for meh B-day, I decided to give away/sell my monitor, keyboard, and mouse. My mom owns a company thinger and she gave me $50 for em. <br><br>Now...NEW CHINCHILLA. I didn't really consider ever getting a new one until just recently. I don't want my lil fran Cole to be lonely any longer. <br><br><br>Sorry, I got a little carried away with the story.<br>I'm getting a baby girl. and I need help with names. <br>I want white. But thats rarer then some of the other colors. This is what she may look like when older. <br><a href="
http://jriddell.org/photos/2006-08-16-chinchillas.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://jriddell.org/photos/2006-08-16-chinchillas.jpg</a><br><br><br>Any name ideas?