Yes, I did quit, yet I coming back to offer some of my services and do some work with my remaining dogs. <br><br>I am offering:<br> - Desktop Backgrounds<br> - Banners<br> - Per Pics<br> - Name Tags<br> <br>Pretty much anything you can think of, I can make. <br><br>There is no form to fill out, just give me enough info to get a good idea of what you want. <br><br>I do have some examples..<br><br>Desktop Background - <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url">My Desktop</a><br><br>Banner - <a href=" Crap/TashBoat.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">(C) Tasha&ME</a> <br><br>PerPics - I have examples. But the only ones I have are the ones that are hand drawn and colored. And, I dont like to make those and when people see them they want me to. So, I will either suprise you with that kind or my normal kind. Which is also good, dont worry. ;P<br><br><br>These are all FREE, tips are welcome.
:</span> Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Collies.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Backround picture:</span> River, or a road.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Text: </span>White Lace Rivers<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Subtext:</span> Indian summer in the middle of winter.</span>