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Goodie Dyed Dog Giveaway.

edited December 2009 in Giveaways, Etc.
Edit 12/23/09 somewhere around midnight. xD<br>The dye finally arrived!<br>Heres the mother of the pups, and I will be breeding her soon, so stay tuned.<br>For now, feel free to drool over her and pray that you win, cause I pray for you to! I wish there was a way everyone could get one, but that wouldnt be possible for me, since that will ruin the breed and the color. <br>There will only be a maximum of 15 OAKs, if I decide to breed anywhere near there. Probably not, but you never know. Just know that there will not be more than 15 OAK.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 755&view=1</a><br>The proud mother.<br>Happy Holidays everyone!<br>---<br>Color-<span style="text-decoration:underline">Christmas Joy w/ Gold Wrappings & Happy Holidays</span><br>Breed-Since a lot of you have been asking what breed it is, I'll tell you. Its a <span style="font-weight:bold">Volpino Italiano</span>. <br>So, I just bought the dye yesterday, and its almost time for Christmas. I dont want to do this after Christmas, because then that wouldnt make sense and would ruin everything. Everyone has a chance to win, if they read the rules first, though. I trust everyone here thats going to post, so please dont let me down, like a few others that have, although I wont mention names. Lets start with the rules, mkay?<br><br>1) Please do <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">NOT </span></span>sell the dog, if you win one. After all, I'm taking my own money and doing something nice for everyone, to get in the holiday giving spirit. You would be like Scrooge, ruining Christmas if you are just posting for profit wise. I know theres going to be quite a few OAKs, but still. If your going to sell the dog in the future, please dont post here at all. <br>2) Please dont be mean or rude to anyone here. We're all equals in the eye of our creator.<br>3) No begging, or spamming this topic. I'll specifically tell you what you need to do to get a chance to win.<br>4) I do not want mails, then it would be to complicated, except if your going to tell me the secret pass. :]<br>5) Please dont be offended if I dont give you a unneutered dog. Only specific people will get an unneutered one, since I've known them longer&can trust them.<br>6) Dont complain if you dont get one. Not everyone can be winners.<br>7) Have fun, and be merry, after all, Christmas only comes once a year.<br>8.) If you have read the rules, please mail me the secret word, which is Essie's Giveaway,<br><br>Note-The dye did not arrive yet, but I want to get enough people interested, before it comes, so I can start giving them out as soon as possible. I know a lot of people have Christmas plans, so I'm trying to work on a schedule thats right for everyone. This giveaway will last until New Years, so dont fret if your going on vacation, or visiting someone! Like I said, everyone will get a chance, whose interested, in this giveaway.<br><br>Now, lets move on to how to win.<br>I'll be doing random raffle drawings, which will be the first way to earn a dog.<br>Second, I'll be doing a who can do the prettiest banner/siggy, which clearly shows the Christmas giving spirit.<br>Thats 4 OAKS so far, the mother, and the two pups, along with one for a special friend.<br>I'd be doing more as the days go by, but for now, thats all, since I cant keep an eye on everything.<br>So, the color should arrive by the time I choose a winner, which will be sometime tomorrow night, or the next day. <br>If you enter in one competition, and you win it, you cannot enter in another. That way, everyone else gets a chance.<br>Sont worry if your going away.<br>I'll hold the dog for you and wait for you to come back.<br>I'm not asking anything in return, so please, dont sell the dog for profit. It pains me to see that I'm paying with my own money for this, and someone else is using it to their advantage, to fulfil their greed and selfishness.<br><br>Raffle Numbers-<br>1) Neyokoma<br>2) Loveandpace<br>3) Mia<br>4) Kesra<br>5) Wolfie<br>6) <br>7) Kaley<br>8.) Kazuko<br>9) Km<br>10) Tiffer<br>11) Tarnish<br>12) Chihuahua<br>13) Dutchess5475<br>14)<br>15)<br>16) Dachshund girl<br>17) Shepherd<br>18.) Buffy<br>19) Teddie<br>20) Cooljess<br><br>Siggy/Banner Contest<br>Note-I do not have any requirements for this one, on how the banner/siggy should be made. Any size you want. The only thing I ask is that it should be in Christmas/Holiday Colors. I do not want to see Black, except for the font because that would make it seem..goth or emo, and thats not fit for holiday cheer now, is it? The ordering does not matter. I WILL be judging the siggy/banners myself. I might have someone to help me. So, if Tarnish posts on here, shes also helping out. ^^<br>1) Kaley-<br>2) Cooljess<br>3)<br>4)<br>5)<br>6)<br>7)<br>8.)<br>9)<br>10)<br><br>Lets get going! Remember to have fun! Post what number you want if your entering the raffle, or tell me if your going to enter the banner contest, because I'll put you down.


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