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farmstand bad luck

edited December 2009 in Vent
OK, so, last winter, my mother got this big idia that she was going to open a farmstand like thing. We opend in the spring selling ALL local stuff, flowers, and we picked LOADs of strawberrys and blueberrys. Its set up in a little town, right near a school and stuff. Well, we open for Cristmas selling trees, wreathes and gift stuff. Well, we go to open the farmstand on the first day, and we find that the computar was STOLEN. Thats ALL my homeschooling work, my art, ALL my mothers info on the farmstand GONE. And for what? $20? thats how much used computars sell for here. All the change in the stand was gone ( wich was only like $10) We called the cops, but they couldent do anything. <br><br>Well so, after that, we had to start heating the place, because all the canned stuff would crack in the cold, so we put in a heater. It worked fine for a few days, but then it BLEW UP. EVERYTHING COVERED IN BLACK SOOT! not cleanable. everything was ruined. We are just not having good luck sofar. :cry:
Will add later ;D
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