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Odd Dreams.

I always have odd dreams.<br><br>Last night I had a dream, I kept finding these odd baby chicks. Everytime I would pick one up I would try to protect it but they just kept dying!! D:<br>It was really weird, I remeber I couldn't keep them safe!! And this one chick's feathers kept falling out because I kept forgetting I left it in a tiny box. And they wouldn't die normally, they would expload into feathers.<br><br>It was...weird. But I always have weird dreams. <br><br><br>It's entertaining. And fusturating. Especially when you can't keep those friggn` baby chicks from exploading!!
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  • all my dreams are weird too(:<br><br>last night , I had a dream that I was flying to the moon(:<br>very interesting .
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • ^<br>not as weird as eating the cheese from the moon.<br> :roll:
  • oh . well . <br>wow , Miami XD .
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I once had a dream I was 36, and I had a job.<br>I worked with everyone Chinese.<br>Well, they had me eat weird stuff.<br>It was funny.
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  • My dreams are never random..<br>They're occassionally wierd..<br>But they always mean something..<br>It's kind of wierd. lol<br>But that dream sounds kinda....scary. ;-;<br>The poor chicks...
  • My dreams are weird too. Once I had a dream I adopted a dog (that I did actually see up for adoption before I went to bed), and then I took him for a walk in the park and there was a Pokemon battle going on and Jason from Friday the 13th was sitting on a bench watching it.. XD
  • That is wierd. I get some wierd ones too. In one, a king was kidnapped and the princess had to sing this song that was scrolling on the wall. The last note was a chicken squak. And then the whole town came and started clucking to seach out the king. The floors rose up and we searched each one by clucking. Then we end up in the sea wtih and octopus and a whale and they clucked to and then got in a fist fight. I don't think the king was every found, but it was a crazy dream. I woke up and was like what?!?
  • My dreams are usually happy, and things that I wish would happen, or I wish I could go back to... then I wake up and Im sad all day D:<br><br><br>I have a few odd ones.. but I usually dont remember them, so I wake up like... I know that was strange.. but what happened? xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Lol, my dream last night... I had an a couple apples and went to church or something... at least it was in my church and we were going to watch a movie on the big screen. My friend walked by and I asked him if he wanted a bruised apple and he said yeah, and then sat beside me.. and started to cuddle.. then I like laid against him. I looked back and Channing Tatum was there and he pulled up my shirt to see my tattoo on my upper back.<br><br>Nice.. R-rated dream. LOL jk
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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