Ha.<br>It's still snowing.<br>I don't really like it because:<br>A) All I have is a hoodie to wear<br>B) No gloves, and I have to carry in wood for the fireplace<br><br>So...yea.
I am quite jealous. I get snow here every ten stinking years. The last time it snowed I was in thrid grade. It has been sooo long. Ya'll should send some snow my way
Ha. It snowed like for 2 seconds here. Just enough to barely sprinkle the ground and we havent had any since. I like snow but I hate cold. Id rather it snow if it was cold then not snow. But Id much rather it just be warm. Which it mostly has been xD
We're finally getting a decent amount of snow. xD<br>It was <span style="font-style:italic">way</span> late this year, but it came nice. <br>It's been snowing nonstop since about 20.00 hours or so last night, and we have around 6"-7" right now.<br>The woods look really pretty. ^^<br>I love snow like life. haha<br>Only my fingers and nose/lips get cold. <br>I usually wear a tank, shirt, jeans and hoodie. <br>I need to start wearing gloves when I go out to the woods or sledriding though...my fingers might fall off.
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