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edited December 2009 in Vent
Because you have to be fake in order to please it. If you're honest and straight up it blows up in your face and makes you feel stupid and wrong, when really, you're actually RIGHT and it's the TRUTH, not the other way around. You can't tell your friends they're being stupid, even though you love them and want the best for them, because they don't feel the same way about you because they just want gratification and glory from you, nothing else. That to me is not a real friend, or a real person. It's all fakeness.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • omg, I have 'friends' like this. I've been distancing myself from these people though. And how people make up a bunch of lies about there life to make themselves sound interesteing. I'd rather have silence than someone bragging and talking about something THAT DOESN'T EXIST! omg,,, lol.... :roll:
    4555/10,000fame points
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  • I know exactly what you mean.<br>One time my friend was telling about this phone she wanted.<br>Well, our "friend" was like 'I had that phone, but I didn't like it.'<br>My other friend was like, 'It's been out for three days.'
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
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