When you were little? xD I recently joined a club on a networking site, and there was a thread saying other things you use to do as little kids, and on a number of occasions I would laugh and think 'I did that too!' So Why Not Bring It To VP?<br><br>Weird and Wonderful times of young childhood, lmao =3<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">When I was little (under the age of 7 xD) I would:</span><br><br>-Race raindops on car windows to see which one would 'win'<br>- Take a plastic jug into the bath, fill it with water, bubbles on the top and pretend to be serving & drinking 'beer' xD<br>- Put googles on and go swimming in the bath<br>- Have a whole herd of plastic animals to play with in the bath, who lived in a secret land & I was a giant.. oh and take them on boat rides in the soap dish & small trays.. lmao =P<br>- Put soap suds on my face and say 'ho ho ho' (group xD)<br>- Make new hairstyles with soap suds.... :roll: <br>- Make 'potions' and new 'shampoos' by mixing different shampoos & water in empty bottles & sell them xD<br>- Have about 30 toys in bed at night, and play that they were my children xD<br>- Put up jumps with bamboo canes & chairs in my backyard and pretend to be a horse.. (I still do this to some extent.. :oops: BUT ONLY FOR PRACTISING HURDLES & HIGH JUMP! xD) oh.. and pretend the tampoline was a special jumping training arena =L<br>- Put on my disney CD & hop around on one leg to the 'tigger' song, pretending it was my tail..<br>- Do 'gymnastics' routines with my sister..<br>- Run up the stairs on both hands and feet<br><br>-Ohh.. and spin around for hours to my teletubbies song =D.. there is a video somewhere of that.. I fall and whack my head on the glass window.. then smack it for being naughty xD Maybe that was what triggered all these weird things..<br><br><br>So what did you do?
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- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
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- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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