My 2 year old cocker got kicked by a cow recently. He couldent walk to go outside, so twice we let him go in the house. One week later, he is still doing it. He can walk fine and he gose outside just as much as he used to. He KNOWS its not ok, because he hides when we go into the living room in the morning. We have tryed to re-potty trian him, but he really WANTS TO GO INSIDE. My mom told me if I cant re-trian him, we will have to find him a new home
<br><br>PS. Our dog is a non-dominate dog. He dosent think he's the leader, he's one of the Supper-Defencive dogs. If you know what I mean.<br><br>I hope to hear from you! feel free to post here or PM me.
Will add later ;D