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My patience is running thin; I suggest you stop.

edited December 2009 in Vent
This is a bunch of random things that've been bugging me. We'll start off with the beginnings.<br><br>As you all know, I swim. Well, last November I was overweight. I was nearly 200lbs for my 5'3 [at the time] frame. And my father always told me I was fat, that I was ugly and no one would want me when I got older. And he kept telling me to join a sport.<br>At first, he tried to <span style="font-style:italic">make</span> me run. I hate running. He would try to make me run a mile each night, and I refused to do it, and mom wouldn't let him force me to do something I didn't like.<br>So I decided to join the swim team for my neighborhood. I had previously swam as a hobby, just on my own, but I could barely do freestyle [now my specialty stroke], butterfly was a fail, and back/bstroke were barely good.<br>Well, after about two or three weeks of two hour practices, I was finally able to do freestyle correctly, hold my breath correctly, and swim with the rotating torso that symbolizes an almost perfect stroke. I could also dive. After maybe 2 or so months of practice, I had lost weight. Around 5 or so pounds. And not all of it was swimming, some of it was eating right, getting the right amount of sleep, and being active.<br>Now I am 30 pounds lighter ;D<br>But. My father [notice how he's always the bad guy?] has been threatening to take me off of my school's swim team. <br>Why?<br>Because <span style="font-style:italic">my room isn't clean enough</span>. After all that hell he put me through, egging me about my looks, insulting me every time I walked downstairs or ate dinner, he had threatened to take me off of the sport that is currently holding me together. What. The. Hell.<br>I was eating a late breakfast this morning, sitting at the foot of the couch, when my uncle called. So my dad started talking to him. Well, apparently my uncle was complaining about his two daughters [they're both spoiled brats, btw. I can vouch for that], so my dad said:<br>'Well, you know dude, Kaitlyn's turned out to be such a dissapointment' -pause- 'Yea, I'm about to take her off of team because her damn room can't stay clean. Watch what happens when she starts missing meets because she can't keep her room clean'.<br>Uhm.<br>EXCUSE YOU?<br>The master bedroom is barely clean! I can't walk in there without hitting my foot on one of your 50 pairs of running shoes, and I can't sit on the bed because it's covered in <span style="font-style:italic">your</span> clothes. I can barely walk at the moment because my knee is the size of a goddamned volleyball and you want me to walk up and down the steps, clean up after my self and my brother, and whatnot? So. He continues his conversation.<br>'Well, it's not like she can swim well anyways'<br>Well, what the hell is your time, then? For 50 free, all sprint? Huh? You can't even swim correctly, let alone breathe correctly when doing the stroke. <br><br>That's my vent about that.<br><br>Now. On to school.<br><br>There's this one girl in my 2nd block and my 4th block. <span style="font-style:italic">And she can't shut up.</span> At all. Period. End of discussion. She shouts across the room to her friends, and I can't listen at all in my 4th period, which is my math period. She just doesn't. And then she gets sidetracked in coversations with people that sit all the way across the room, and we get more homework added to what we already have.<br>My homework load is horrible between Spanish, Theatre, and math. My history teacher never gives homework unless you don't finish the classwork. <br>My math teacher's idea of homework is about 50 questions each night, and all 50 questions have about 2 parts to each problem. My Spanish teacher just adds on homework, but she doesn't take late work like my math teacher does. So if I fail to do my Spanish homework, I can't turn it in the next day for a late grade like I can in math. I have practice 4 out of five days a week, from 7:30pm until 9:00pm. I know it sounds like I have enough time to do all my homework, but I really don't. I sleep when I get home so I don't drown in the pool. <br><br>My body issues:<br>Over the summer while trying to swim fly, I dislocated my right shoulder. Every time I rotate my shoulder, it clicks and I get this sharp pain through my entire arm. <br>My right knee swells up at random times. I can't walk on it.
"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
Semper Fi.


  • First off I have to say, amazing job! Thats awsome that you were able to lose that. I know its extremely difficult. I did swimming at camp and enjoyed doing laps and getting out of the water sucked. The sorness hit and I felt really heavy after feeling lighter in the water.<br><br>Forget your dad because he obviously has issues. I would try to keep it clean because swimming is going so well for you. Is your mom on your dads side with this? <br><br>And school work.. We've all been there and done that. It annoying when teachers dont realize we have other classes and after school things. All I can say is try your best. :)
  • tarnish wrote:
    First off I have to say, amazing job! Thats awsome that you were able to lose that. I know its extremely difficult. I did swimming at camp and enjoyed doing laps and getting out of the water sucked. The sorness hit and I felt really heavy after feeling lighter in the water.<br><br>Forget your dad because he obviously has issues. I would try to keep it clean because swimming is going so well for you. Is your mom on your dads side with this? <br><br>And school work.. We've all been there and done that. It annoying when teachers dont realize we have other classes and after school things. All I can say is try your best. :)
    <br><br>Thanks(: I've been wearing three suits for drag, and Thursday I only wore two, and my time had gone down. You always feel like you're flying when you're used to it, you know? <br><br>He does. It probably comes with the fact his mom is an addict, and drives him insane even now. My mom is on my side with this, she was a swimmer also and is glad I love the sport. Plus, she payed about $200 for my suit and warmup, plus with the food thats full of carbs that I need to eat before meets.<br><br>My Spanish teacher gives it out like candy on Halloween. Its horrible. I've had to sit there and talk to my Spanish and math teacher, telling them that I've got more of a life than schoolwork, and I swim, and by the time I get home and shower, I'm asleep on my feet. <br>They always say that I can manage it... x.x
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Ahww meanie teachers.
  • thats not cool of your dad... <span style="font-weight:bold">at all</span>. Crap like that isn't to be said about or to your child. I feel strongly ... because my dads girlfriend would do the same with my brother. Abusing him with names.. calling him fat all the time. He was 11!!! It pisses me off so much that an adult would sink so low. My brother as a result of constant abuse growing up didnt turn out... the way he could have. Keep your head high gorgeous they'd kill to see you fall. <br><br><br><br><br>(great on droppin 30! Thats my goal ;) )
  • <span style="font-size:75">Wow! I'm so happy for you for losing 30 pounds.<br>Thats what<span style="font-style:italic"> I</span> need to do. xD <br>Anyway. Your dad should <span style="font-weight:bold">NOT</span> be doing that to you. <br>That's horrible! My dad would <span style="font-style:italic">never ever </span>do that to me! <br>Yeah, I'm overweight, but he and my mom just joke around and say <br>"Where'd <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> come from?" and laugh.<br> But, what your dad does is <span style="text-decoration:underline">MEAN</span>.<br><br>And school, I agree with Tarnish.<br>You should just try your best, ignore them, <br>and just keep getting good grades. <br>That's what I do in math. <br>I sit by my best friend and she always asks me for help on tests <br>and I just ignore her and shrug. [: <br>She doesn't get mad at me... So.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">GOOD LUCK! ;D</span></span>
  • Thanks, Juggalette and Kaley(= I've been trying my best, but sometimes, your patience just wears thin. I mean, my dad is an ass. I know my life could get worse, but he's not the way he used to be. He used to be kind, and him and I got along so well. And now, we barely do...
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Wow I feel bad for you. D:<br><br>I'm here for ya.<br>[:<br>Oh and, you're welcome.
  • Kaley wrote:
    Wow I feel bad for you. D:<br><br>I'm here for ya.<br>[:<br>Oh and, you're welcome.
    <br>;D Fankjoo.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Kaley wrote:
    Wow I feel bad for you. D:<br><br>I'm here for ya.<br>[:<br>Oh and, you're welcome.
    <br>;D Fankjoo.
    <br><br>*is fanked*<br>youh's welcome<br>*tackleglomphug*
  • ;D<br><br>Ohman. Now he's screaming at the TV.<br>Friggin football.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Dads and football....whats the deal? <br>Its not like yelling will make the game change. sheesh!
  • Tuff_Girl wrote:
    Dads and football....whats the deal? <br>Its not like yelling will make the game change. sheesh!
    <br><br>Ikr?<br>D; I mean, I do the same thing, but only when I'm alone...
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Kaley wrote:
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I need to stop reading right there. <br><br>I can possitivley not, STAND parents who make their children feel awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can no freaking STAND IT!!!! Pardon my french but,<br>It pisses me off, who the hell do they think they are?!?!?!<br><br>GOD. If I wasn't so weak I would seriously decapatate these people!!!!! How DARE, anyone say things like that to their own child and how DARE anyone ANYONE talk about their child that way!! No one deserves that. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but your 'father' should thank his lucky stars he dosen't know me.<br><br>I love my Sunny and she is an amazing, sweet person.
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  • I need to stop reading right there. <br><br>I can possitivley not, STAND parents who make their children feel awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can no freaking STAND IT!!!! Pardon my french but,<br>It pisses me off, who the hell do they think they are?!?!?!<br><br>GOD. If I wasn't so weak I would seriously decapatate these people!!!!! How DARE, anyone say things like that to their own child and how DARE anyone ANYONE talk about their child that way!! No one deserves that. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but your 'father' should thank his lucky stars he dosen't know me.<br><br>I love my Sunny and she is an amazing, sweet person.
    <br>Well thankyou, Chibers(:<br>And you can stand in line with the people that hate him, too. He has no respect for anyone.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
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