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Thats interesting o3o

edited December 2009 in General Discussion
I has some >< Fortunately its rather mild and actually hard to catch, but its actually something I've always been paranoid of. Why? Well a lot of times the reds in my color box look very much the same, and some shades of green as well. I think I always knew but I didn't want to have it proven. Yes I can barely pass those dot test, though there are bits missing from the numbers, but I can squint at them for a good 10 minutes and eventually see it. For example <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Test</a> I have a hell of a time seeing the top right and bottom left, the bottom right is not as bad. How did I get found out? Well 8D my bio prof was doing a thing over it, and we did all the normal number test things and I managed to see it. But then the reverse colour blind thing came but she didn't tell us it was different. Basically on that one if you can't see it, its a good thing. I COULD SEE IT and I wrote it down and people were going omg I can't see it. Then she announced what it was and only me and a guy (he knew he was colour blind so no shock for him) could see it >.< She made me do a few more things and figured out that I have it mildly. Which means if the hues of the green/red are distinctly different I have no problem.<br><br>But its not a full colour blindness! So yay on that part. I have a form of Anomalous Colour Blindness, which means that some pigments are just slightly off. Some of my fears over this <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">art</a> The body looks black to me, but even I can put it on any art program and measure the RBG levels which show that it is in fact green. One of my RL friends caught it for me saying that it was nice that I had tinted the dog green I just went with it right then because I was more than a little embarrassed. <br><br>Now then before you say that this is only a guy thing, it can happen in females, but its much rarer because it is attached to the X chromosome. However I am not certain if mine is genetic or from other causes. This is because I don't know my biological father, or grandfather on my mother's side. I'm also an only child so we can't test siblings D: It can be caused by things other than genetics, and I can cross these possible causes off because I do get severe migraines at times which apparently can worsen the condition >.<<br><br>One upside is that apparently colour blind people can some times see in the dark better and see right trough camouflage WEEE <br><br>No my art is suddenly going to change because I found this out, remember I've had this all along. Just if I have the wrong shade of some thing tell me (like it needs to be more orange or needs to be less green) I promise I wont be mad at you. <br><br>SO WHATS NEW IN YOUR LIFE?
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.


  • Um. Wow.<br>That IS interesting. <br>Gg, Evy dear <333
  • Aw that sucks. At least you have the mild form. My Grandpa is color blind. His greens are browns and blue's are purple and red is black. Its quite interesting to try and figure out what color he actually wants. My younger brother has a milder case of it. Thankfully he can tell most color's apart. Just a select few are mixed up. <br><br>You're still the same person you were before so nothings changed. :D
  • Yeah its just kinda annoying to know because now I'll want to second guess any thing that I have to use some colors in. And now I keep doing some test I've looked up online that are light based and I keep going why is it so low? D: <br><br>"if you are affected by color blindness you automatically start to interpret a difference in lightness as a different color. This makes you think to see more colors than you actually can distinguish."<br><br>This also explains how I got away with it for so long, and why it was hard to find XD
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Just don't get mad at yourself about it. What I would suggest is to figure out if you have any trouble with certain colors. That way you can double check with someone when you are working with those 'trouble' colors. Tell someone what colors are supposed to be in the picture and if they aren't there, they can tell you or what not. Honestly I think its not going to be much of a problem for you. Your art is amazing and you have been doing it for so long without even completely knowing you had a mild case of color blindness.
  • Some of the colors seem to be in the pink and purple range and dark greens which now that I look at my gallery I don't use overly often, coincidence? I THINK NOT! XD I must have some out instinctively steered myself away from colors that looked the same to me XD I'll post my test result things from the light based one after a few more runs because its rather interesting. When they change the light/darkness of the sample and ask me to match with the answer unless its the same I just have to guess XD
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • My brother can't tell purple, blue, or green apart from each other. so I'd say you have something very similar to what he has. You really shouldn't have much of a problem with most colors then. Oh I like guessing things. lol.
  • <img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>So my average is 76% <br><br>*shakes fist at pink* Its really not terrible but art wise it can be awkward XD<br><br>Oh btw, the reason there are two %s listed is because it takes into account your guessing, and looks at the conflicts of you getting the same answer right and wrong on different occasions.
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • thats not really bad. As long as you stay away from pink you should be fine. :P At least you don't have to be careful of a lot of colors. If you ever need any help with checking colors I'd be happy to help you out!
  • I also found another interesting thing! :o<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Its suposed to be either a 5 (normal) or 2 (Red/Green)<br><br>BUT I SEE AN 8!! WTH I think I'm sorta seeing both the 5 and 2 and reading it as an 8? I'm not sure but its strange XD
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • I can see where your getting the 8. I can clearly see the correct number but if I stare at it too long it starts to look like a 8.
  • XD If I look at it for a while I can see the 2, but not just the 5 <br><br>I was chatting with my aunt just now about this (she knows lots of random stuff o.o ) And she suggested testing the eyes separately and my right eye can't even really see the 2, were as its very strong on the left. >.<<br><br>And doing the same thing that I posted results for, but one that does all 3 types of colour blindness shows 74% red/green in my left and 66% blue/yellow on my right, which with both my eyes open might account for the weakness in my pinks, but at the same time sorta counteract each other?<br><br>But its still not totalness but I find it funny that each eye is different. GO MY AUNT FOR THINKING OF THAT
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • wow thats an interesting twist. Hmm now I want to go get my brother and make him try that. I wonder if all people see colors differently with each eye. Like maybe some people are partially color blind in one eye but not the other. hmm interesting though.
  • Isn't it? I never really thought that could happen but it apparently does. And I guess if you have two of them one eye makes up for the colours the other has problems seeing, so you can go on living with out realizing you have any problem at all. <br><br>Now it makes me wonder if that thing that says 1 in 100 guys have colour blindness should be higher because what if only one eye had a mild form of it? they wouldn't know unless they were being a pirate! ARRR!!
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
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