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H1N1 (Swine) flu shot getters and their reactions?

So, last night I was told I'd be getting the H1N1 flu shot. Ugh.<br>Well, when I woke up this morning, I felt off, and lethargic. But I went to school to help out all day with some book fair. I was shaky, and my head hurt, plus I was really tired. SO, I came home to discover a fever or 99, now at 101. And Im pretty weak and achy. Has anyone else received horrible side effects? Has anyone else here even got the shot?
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  • The H1N1 Shot has those effects on others. I haven't got it yet (I'm getting it tonight) but my sister has, Her arm was sore and she had a feaver for a few days but it past
  • Well, those are exact symptoms OF H1N1, so I believe it's normal. Remember, they've got to GIVE you the virus before you can become immune to it.<br><br>I didn't get it and won't get it because I already got H1N1. xD
  • I had it lol.<br>It is awful!<br><br>Sorry I couldn't help you with the whole shot thing I didn't get it xD<br>I got the flu before the shots were out o.o
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • mhm I just got it recently. Mkay the only negative thing so far is you could have VERY minor symptoms but the virus is dead, not almost living like most vaccines. So it protects more than prevents if you get what I'm saying. Anyways other than that a sore arm! so make sure you get it in your non-sport/writing arm :3 Oh and It didn't hurt at all (baby about needles)+
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  • <span style="font-size:92">I think that me and my sisters are going to get the shot sometime, but I have no idea when. So I can't help you. Sorry. xDD</span>
  • Heh, I got Swine Flu xD It regular flu. Except with a fancey title. xD <br><br>Hence I didn't get the shot, but the day my friends got it they were all head-achey and dizzy. D:
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  • Lukari wrote:
    mhm I just got it recently. Mkay the only negative thing so far is you could have VERY minor symptoms but the virus is dead, not almost living like most vaccines. So it protects more than prevents if you get what I'm saying. Anyways other than that a sore arm! so make sure you get it in your non-sport/writing arm :3 Oh and It didn't hurt at all (baby about needles)+
    <br><br>Well, I got the shot, and a fever of 101 is not a VERY minor symptom. I feel fine today, but I'm still 99. My friends got it last night without reaction, so I think it's just some people. But, since it's supposed to come back this month with "avengance" (sp?) and it takes up to 14 days to work, I suppose this was a good time to get it.
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  • When someone says the virus is dead, its not really true viruses aren't living, bacteria do :wink: It's just a weakened/ or at a very small dose.
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