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Did you know that..

Taylor Lautner whos Jacob in twilight, was shark boy in Sharkboy and Lava Girl...<br><br>I did not know that...


  • ya i actually knew that... Weird earlier today me and my friends were talking about him and that lol
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  • I knew that.<br><br>But I still dont understand why everyones obsessed with him...
  • I think he's a little hottie xD lol not obsessed though
  • I think Im the only teenage girl that doesnt think hes hot. LOL
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    I think Im the only teenage girl that doesnt think hes hot. LOL
    <br><br>I don't. Infact I think the whole twilight fangirl thing is quite annoying - the casting was.....horrible....>.>
  • Avla wrote:
    Sybhat3 wrote:
    I think Im the only teenage girl that doesnt think hes hot. LOL
    <br><br>I don't. Infact I think the whole twilight fangirl thing is quite annoying - the casting was.....horrible....>.>
    <br><br>I just dislike Twilight completely. I go to an all girl school and <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> I <span style="font-style:italic">ever</span> hear about is Twilight. Actually, I really dont care about it until someone bring it up. Then my rage bubbles up xD
  • Haha nice, I just learned that he was born in my home state, what a coincidence.
  • HA I watched that a few weeks ago because I was bored xD
  • Me too, on Disney channel?
  • I knew that for awhile. And that robert was in harry potter *shrugs*<br><br>And a coincidence for you and however many thousand teenage girls in your state..
  • More like millions lol
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    I think Im the only teenage girl that doesnt think hes hot. LOL
    <br><br>You're not alone, Cybe. You're not alone. I think he's got a yummy body, but his face isn't all that pretty. xD Lmao.
  • I dont think any part of him is yummy xD
  • Except his brains! lol (Zombie moment!) lol :D
  • My friends were being total losers and counted his abs. He as an 8 pack. Not a 6 pack. An 8 pack. xD And I thought that was pretty cool, considering I've never seen that before. Lmao. But I have no idea why everyone's so obsessed with him...<br><br>one of my friends (the craziest one) is "stalking" him. She's called his so-called school about three times and tried to contact his sister/family. Pretty creepy.
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    I think Im the only teenage girl that doesnt think hes hot. LOL
    <br><br>I dont!!<br>*getsexcitedatchristoferdrew*<br><br>LMAO<br><br>I liked the graphix and animation in new moon.. couldnt watch it again though
  • I cant believe he was him! aww :P<br><br>& we all know the book was great, but you've got to admit the movie was a tad stupid but that dosen't mean its something for me to obsess over. We all have our obsessions yes?... but yeah taylor lautner is smexybeast, nothing to it... indians ;D <3 You've got to admit, Robert Pattinson isn't THAT hot as everyone think he is. but he is still hot ;D lmao
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • Haha nice, I just learned that he was born in my home state, what a coincidence.
    <br><br><br>mine too xD lmao. I think anyway... I know he talked about my state when he was on Jay Leno.<br><br><br>He was the best cast member in the whole movie I think xD But, I liked him better on the talk shows... he's pretty funny.<br><br><br>And New Moon wasnt half as bad as Twilight, in my opinion. But, I understand the whole "I have to hate it now" thing going on makes it so people refuse to even admit halfway liking it (which is funny, since a lot of these people once claimed to love the series...)<br><br>Im more annoyed with the haters than the fangirls I think xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I'm out of high school etc but Taylor Lautner is gorgeous to me haha I'm not obsessed with him (considering I'm surrounded by buff military men ;) )...I enjoyed the Twilight books and have seen the movies so far (New Moon was my favorite) I'm not a crazy fanatic about Twilight but I do appreciate a hot body :P I don't find Robert Pattison to be attractive at all...the only cast members I really think fit their part are Taylor, Alice, Carlisle(sp?), and Emmett. Victoria and those other two guys in that group did well in their parts...but I'm not obsessed :P just something new to watch.

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  • I'm not a crazy fanatic about Twilight but I do appreciate a hot body :P I don't find Robert Pattison to be attractive at all...
    <br><span style="font-size:75">Amen to that!<br>xD<br></span>
    Thanks Lyc!
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  • I'm not a crazy fanatic about Twilight but I do appreciate a hot body :P I don't find Robert Pattison to be attractive at all...
    <br><span style="font-size:75">Amen to that!<br>xD<br></span>
    Triple Amen! :D
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