My dog will eat basically everything except pickles and bananas. Is that normal? His favorite food is candy. Overall he loves Dum-Dum suckers. He has learned to eat it then spit the stick out.
<span style="font-size:75">Avla's right...Candy's a big no-no.<br>There are some foods that are safe to give your dogs<br>(i.e. boiled meats, yogurt, peanut butter, and grain)<br>I feed my dogs an entirely home-cooked diet.<br>Mostly because most commercial foods contain harmful chemicals.<br>And the ones that don't tend to be expensive.<br>Plus, I've found my home-made diet is not only healthier but altogether cheaper then any brand of dog food I've tried.<br>But there are some things you should definitely avoid.<br>Xylitol (artificial sweetener) can cause liver damage and failure.<br>It is contained in the vast majority of candies.<br>I know it may seem like you're giving your dog yummy treats, but it could be seriously detrimental to his health.</span>
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<br><br>Still not safe.<br><br><br><br>Andi, you'll have to tell me what you use to make your home-made meal. xD<br>I think the reason why my older dog has bad skin could not only be her age, but dog food as well.<br>She's been on several different dog foods but nothing works.
<span style="font-size:75">Eeep! 2-3?!?!<br>You said he eats Dum-Dums?<br>I guess if he has to eat candy, they're not so bad.<br>They actually have sugar instead of artificial sweeteners,<br>But you might want to limit him to one a day or one a week if you can.<br>That much sugar isn't good for anyone, especially a dog xD<br>Sugar is known to cause diabetes very quickly in dogs.<br>Sugar also feeds if your dog were to develop a tumor,<br>His eating habits may make the cancer more resistant to treatment.</span>
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<br>Andi, you'll have to tell me what you use to make your home-made meal. xD<br>I think the reason why my older dog has bad skin could not only be her age, but dog food as well.<br>She's been on several different dog foods but nothing works.
<br><span style="font-size:75">Yeah, my dog started losing her fur at 11...<br>And her skin was always dry and sort of saggy.<br>We used to joke that she needed a facelift xD<br>But since we've got her on this new diet, she has a gorgeous coat and better skin then I do!<br>I feed her a variety of foods...<br>Let's see...<br>I often rotate between combinations of the following:<br>fresh berries<br>melon cubes<br>eggs (I scramble them but don't add milk or salt or pepper)<br>avacado (only when they've been really good xD)<br>veggies (avoid Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems and mushrooms)<br>fruit (avoid grapes and citrus)<br>rice<br>oatmeal<br>lactose-free milk (I freeze it and give it to them on their birthdays xD)<br>walnuts<br>apple slices (I bake or sautee them)<br>whole-wheat pasta<br>boneless boiled turkey (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled chicken (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled pork<br></span>
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<br>Andi, you'll have to tell me what you use to make your home-made meal. xD<br>I think the reason why my older dog has bad skin could not only be her age, but dog food as well.<br>She's been on several different dog foods but nothing works.
<br><span style="font-size:75">Yeah, my dog started losing her fur at 11...<br>And her skin was always dry and sort of saggy.<br>We used to joke that she needed a facelift xD<br>But since we've got her on this new diet, she has a gorgeous coat and better skin then I do!<br>I feed her a variety of foods...<br>Let's see...<br>I often rotate between combinations of the following:<br>fresh berries<br>melon cubes<br>eggs (I scramble them but don't add milk or salt or pepper)<br>avacado (only when they've been really good xD)<br>veggies (avoid Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems and mushrooms)<br>fruit (avoid grapes and citrus)<br>rice<br>oatmeal<br>lactose-free milk (I freeze it and give it to them on their birthdays xD)<br>walnuts<br>apple slices (I bake or sautee them)<br>whole-wheat pasta<br>boneless boiled turkey (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled chicken (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled pork<br></span>
<br><br><br>Lmao. xD<br>My dog just has bad dandruff and she chews on herself because she is allergic to fleas.<br>But, I will try some of this and see how it goes. Thanks.
<br>Andi, you'll have to tell me what you use to make your home-made meal. xD<br>I think the reason why my older dog has bad skin could not only be her age, but dog food as well.<br>She's been on several different dog foods but nothing works.
<br><span style="font-size:75">Yeah, my dog started losing her fur at 11...<br>And her skin was always dry and sort of saggy.<br>We used to joke that she needed a facelift xD<br>But since we've got her on this new diet, she has a gorgeous coat and better skin then I do!<br>I feed her a variety of foods...<br>Let's see...<br>I often rotate between combinations of the following:<br>fresh berries<br>melon cubes<br>eggs (I scramble them but don't add milk or salt or pepper)<br>avacado (only when they've been really good xD)<br>veggies (avoid Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems and mushrooms)<br>fruit (avoid grapes and citrus)<br>rice<br>oatmeal<br>lactose-free milk (I freeze it and give it to them on their birthdays xD)<br>walnuts<br>apple slices (I bake or sautee them)<br>whole-wheat pasta<br>boneless boiled turkey (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled chicken (avoid if your dogs has poultry allergies)<br>boneless boiled pork<br></span>
<br><br><br>Lmao. xD<br>My dog just has bad dandruff and she chews on herself because she is allergic to fleas.<br>But, I will try some of this and see how it goes. Thanks.
<br><span style="font-size:75">Awwh, little doggy flakes xD<br>And I almost forgot!<br>No onions or garlic<br>Not only do they give them wicked breath, they contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.<br>Lemme know how it goes.<br>It's always fun trying to find veggies they'll actually eat xD</span>
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As already mentioned, do not feed your dog candy. You shouldn't have to and their body's not meant to handle it. Sugar is bad for people, so why shouldn't it be bad for dogs? You should try sticking to dog food and various meats that he's allowed to have. (And some of the people foods Andi suggested). For treats, make homemade ones or buy some healthy ones from the store. No candy! Doesn't matter his breed, age, or weight. He shouldn't have any. I'm just saying this for the well-being and health of your dog.
wow, I want what Andrea's dog is having xD You sure know a lot about making food for the dogs <br><br><br>And... I have nothing else to add, so Ill just repeat it - candy is bad for dogs.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
This is my kind of conversation XD I worked for 6 years at an animal hospital/shelter and I can tell you that giving your dogs candy/chocolate/etc will result in serious problems later. We have some very...obnoxious dog owners in my home town and now that their dogs are older they have to be on constant watch for seizures b/c they were fed candy and whatever else they wanted.<br><br>Andi, I've also done a lot of research in my years at the vet clinic and I agree with the natural diet. I also don't believe in vaccines (except rabies b/c its mandatory). Or tick/flea meds. Sounds a little backwards since I worked under a vet :P but I don't even know what is in the vaccines or flea/tick meds. The meds are like literally putting harsh poisons on your dogs skin, and most of the time aren't necessary. I personally don't have a problem with grabbing the hemostat and pulling a tick off my dogs.
There are several other healthy yet tasty treats you can feed your dog. Like said before, candy is very bad for dogs. What about feeding him something that andi suggested? Instead of candy, give him apple slices or chicken. Giving your dog too much candy and people food will result in obesity, diabeties, and maybe even back and joint problems. <br><br>We give our dogs frosty paws, frozens treats for dogs. It looks like ice-cream, and tastes great to the dogs, but it's not bad for their health. <br><br>And finally, to answer your main question, yes it is normal that your dog will eat almost everything. My lab will eat everything, and if she gets into the dog food, she doesn't know when to stop eating, and that could cause bloating. So, we're careful to keep food away, and we don't give our dogs any unhealthy people food like candy.
wow, I want what Andrea's dog is having xD You sure know a lot about making food for the dogs <br><br><br>And... I have nothing else to add, so Ill just repeat it - candy is bad for dogs.
<br><span style="font-size:75">Pahaha, they do eat pretty well xD<br>And I just graduated pre-Vet trying to start some interest in alternative medicine for pets.<br>So this is pretty much my life xD<br>Anywho, since that was totally irrelevant..<br>I thought I'd share a recipe for "gingerbones"<br>appropriate for the holiday season and healthier then suckers.<br>Ingredients:<br>4cups all purpose flour<br>2cups whole wheat flour<br>1cup molasses<br>1cup water<br>1/2cup veggie oil<br>4tablespoons ground ginger (particularly helpful in calming car-sickness or any upset tummy)<br>2teaspoons cinnamon<br>1teaspoon ground cloves<br><br>Directions:<br>1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.<br>2. Roll out about 1/4" thick and cut dough into your favorite shapes (I bought dog-shaped ones and call them ginger-bread pups) xD<br>3.Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-35minutes on ungreased cookie sheet.<br>Yeild: 5-6 dozen cookies<br>(That should be enough to last him awhile, eh?)<br>--I got this out of "The Home Spa for Dogs" by Jennifer Cermak--<br>A bit of a fru-fru book, but some good stuff in there. ;D </span>
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Sometime with Candy, we don't give it to him.... he just finds and eats it all when me and my parents are gone. he did that on the day after halloween
<br><br>You should really consider putting it in a safe place. Once my dog got into the dog food when we weren't home and ate almost all of it. She was extremly bloated and had to be taken to the vet. She could have died.
if we put it up high my dog can still get it de to his height on his back legs and if we put it in my cabients. my cats will get it due to them eating candy,ice cream and potatoe chips.
if we put it up high my dog can still get it de to his height on his back legs and if we put it in my cabients. my cats will get it due to them eating candy,ice cream and potatoe chips.
<br><br>Listen, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just telling you this for the saftey of your pets. But really, cats eating candy and chips? If it's really that bad, that your dog eats candy when you're gone and there's no place to put them that he won't get them, you should block off the kitchen or crate your dog. Candy, as said before, is extremly unhealthy for dogs and could eventually lead to health problems... :?
if we put it up high my dog can still get it de to his height on his back legs and if we put it in my cabients. my cats will get it due to them eating candy,ice cream and potatoe chips.
<br><br>Put it in a room. and then lock and shut the door.<br>As put the candy in the room.
if we put it up high my dog can still get it de to his height on his back legs and if we put it in my cabients. my cats will get it due to them eating candy,ice cream and potatoe chips.
<br><span style="font-size:75">There are ways to keep both cats and dogs out of people food.<br>Locks on the cabinets, babyproofing, etc.<br>And you said he's only 6mos. old?<br>Perhaps you should be crate training him anyway.</span>
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<br><br>You should really stop feeding your animals people food. Feeding them this will lead to health problems, and behavior problems. Begging at the table? Stealing junk food? I'd really crate traing your puppy, and if you have to, lock the doors so the cats can't open them.
hes bigger and taller then my full grown akita and alaskan malamute right now and hes a about 69' on his back legs and 114lbs
<br><span style="font-size:75">I'm sorry, but what's your point?<br>I don't mean to be rude or judgemental...<br>But considering so many people have told you how bad candy is for dogs,<br>I feel that you should be a little concerned for his safety.<br>And therefore more inclined to take some of our advice.</span>
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hes bigger and taller then my full grown akita and alaskan malamute right now and hes a about 69' on his back legs and 114lbs
<br><span style="font-size:75">I'm sorry, but what's your point?<br>I don't mean to be rude or judgemental...<br>But considering so many people have told you how bad candy is for dogs,<br>I feel that you should be a little concerned for his safety.<br>And therefore more inclined to take some of our advice.</span>
<br><br>I agree with andi. We are trying to help you and your pets but you are only giving excuses of why you can't prevent your dog from eating junk food.
hes bigger and taller then my full grown akita and alaskan malamute right now and hes a about 69' on his back legs and 114lbs
<br><span style="font-size:75">I'm sorry, but what's your point?<br>I don't mean to be rude or judgemental...<br>But considering so many people have told you how bad candy is for dogs,<br>I feel that you should be a little concerned for his safety.<br>And therefore more inclined to take some of our advice.</span>
<br><br>Agreed. Danes already have enough potential health problems b/c of their size. And they DO make crates big enough for dogs his size, as I agree with the fact he should be learning crate training while at home alone.
hes my mom's dog which i have to play with everyday. if we give him dog food, he either doesn't eat it or pukes it up.
<br><span style="font-size:75">That's not healthy at all.<br>You should really take him to the vet<br>Or, if there is some excuse as to why you can't do that,<br>I've suggested LOADS of dog-food alternatives<br>HEALTHY ones.</span>
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