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If I get a sponsor account....

edited November 2009 in General Discussion
What kind should I get? I'm thinking either a breeding kennel or training kennel. I'm mostly interested in breeding the dogs but I need to be able to train. would some sponsors be able to help me with this problem?
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  • I find that breeding kennels get the most use... with me anyways. I don't really like training and I'm good with getting other people to train for me. I breed like 58 trillion litters a day because of my lines. I also personally think that getting a training kennel is a waste of time if you don't truly LIKE training. <br><br>There's ups and downs to both.<br><br>I don't trust people breeding my dogs at their sponsor because I've had a few incidences where they kept puppies from my dogs and sold them after I specifically asked them not to keep/sell the ones I didn't bid on. I prefer to release them myself, and also so I don't have to wait 10 years for the person to accept my bid.<br><br>Then again, if you had a breeding but not a training, you'd have to have a lot of money to get all the dogs trained that you breed. If you have a training kennel, you'd have to find someone you can trust with a breeding kennel.<br><br>OOORRRRRR<br><br>You could find someone with a breeding kennel and let them use your training and vice versa. But... I don't condone that with someone you don't know, of course.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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