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edited November 2009 in Vent
Lily is my female, Siamese mix cat. She's overweight, picky, and likes to scratch/chew. She's chewed approximately $80 worth of headphones of mine, scratched multiple things (we don't blame her for scratching, her scratching post broke down a while ago and we haven't bothered getting a new one), and pees where she wants if the litter box isn't clean.<br><br>We always thought, "She's a Siamese, they're very clean, particular cats. We'll just keep her litter box as clean as possible, whenever we can." So, it stays pretty clean. Sometimes it gets pretty bad, but someone -always- does it. We have two cats, so we have to keep up on it.<br><br>I woke up this morning and my mom told me, "Litter box is clean, don't worry about it after school." So I nodded and went on with my business to get ready for school.<br><br>I get to the bathroom, step in front of the mirror, and <span style="font-style:italic">OH! Eww, what's is that on my foot?</span> Cat pee. Lily for sure. Lizzie NEVER, EVER pees anywhere except the litter box, no matter it's cleanliness or dirtiness. Disgusting, right? So I'm pissed off. Her litter box is CLEAN! CLEAN!<br><br>And, seriously. Lily is perfectly fine, nothing wrong with her! No bladder conditions, etc. She can pee in her litter box. And I know some cats will pee on plastic bags because... well, I don't know why, but they do. She doesn't pee on those. Ever. Although, we don't leave them lying around, either. She just pees. On anything. D:<br><br>AND MY POOR HEADPHONES! I love my iPod to death. And my cellphone headphones! Didn't even get to use them once and BAM! they're already wrecked and thrown away. It's really, really angering. -Sigh-<br><br>So, I've come to make a really, really, really hard decision. Lily is getting a new home. A good one. But to who? I don't know. I'll post fliers, talk to some people, meet some families... until I find the right one. She'd do better in a household with no cats but herself (so she can eat indoor cat food and lose some weight... another cat might not need to eat that kind of food).<br><br>Mom said, maybe, I can get my own choice of adult cat from the local shelter. One that's affectionate, fits our lifestyle, and doesn't have any huge problems. And one that -likes- me. (Lily hates me). But Lily's almost 4 years old and I'm gonna have a hard time giving her up, let alone "replacing" her.<br><br>Ugh. I love Lily. But, I can't handle her behavior anymore. D:


  • No offense, but.. First, that's sad. I couldn't imagine giving up an animal I've had for four years. I would find some way to fix the problem. Second, who is going to want a cat that pees everywhere? lol<br><br>Has she actually been to the vet to make sure she is perfectly fine, nothing wrong with her? Some cats can have really bad bladder problems and it can cause them to pee like that. Some cats just don't like a dirty litter box. Maybe get two litter boxes? <br><br>I really hope you can find some way to help her. Think how awful that would be for the cat to just be thrown in another home. :(
  • My cat chews everything too. Shes eaten at least $100 worth of my headphones. And not to metion shoelaces. Shes eaten at least 5 pairs of those. But I dunno why your cat pees everywhere O_o I'd get her examened(if you havent already) to make sure nothings wrong. Hope you find her a good home, or a way to cope with her behavior.
  • -feels bad- Well, I've put up with this behavior of hers for quite some time. 2 years, almost. I've grown more and more distant from her because she's a) extremely mean and b) doesn't like MY attention. So I don't pet her or scratch her under her chin anymore; it only pisses her off. When someone else does it, fine. She's alright with it. And she doesn't sleep in my room with me anymore... not sure why.<br><br>I honestly do not know who would want a cat that pees everywhere. Obviously I've asked myself that question, over and over, and can't find a specific answer, but I'm hoping someone will take her. If not, we'll probably end up keeping her and dealing with it - which would be hard, but easier on her.<br><br>If she enjoyed my attention, I probably wouldn't feel such a strong disliking to her whole personality all together. I used to have a really good cat. Kiara was loyal, loved attention from me - from anyone, didn't pee anywhere, and the worst she EVER did to my stuff was pull out the tacks from my walls and make a few of my posters fall. Lily was the cat I got after she went missing, so you can imagine how hard it is to adjust to a completely different cat after I had my perfect one and lost her.<br><br>I don't know. I've made fliers for Lily to get a new home, but I'll have a hard time even printing them out. All I know is, anything like this is hard for me.
  • Put a diaper on her.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I had a cat once who wouldn't use a litter box the other cats we had at the time would use. She also wouldn't use it if she'd already used it and it hadn't been cleaned. We ended up having to get four litter boxes and place them throughout the house so there wouldn't be any surprises when we left for work/school. All four boxes had to be cleaned every day, sometimes 3 and four times a day. Coincidentally, it was a Siamese. Some cats can be that particular regardless of breed. <br><br>It's part of being an owner. Getting rid of this cat doesn't mean you'll get a better cat next go around. You might get something worse.<br><br>Is your cat spayed? If not, she may be going through cycles and "marking" for willing males. Had a siamese that actually marked in my father's face when he was lying on the floor watching TV because she was in heat.<br><br>Being overweight may also be causing some health problems that cause her to urinate more.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • When we first brought my kitty, Simba home, he wouldn't use normal kitty litter - he HAD to use dirt. And once he was old enough he was free to roam about the outside world.<br>She might have a bladder problem, I also heard that Siamese cats are very....picky? I guess that's a good word to use. xD
  • Being picky like that may be why she isn't using the litter box. If the litterbox is dirtier than the bathroom floor or the closet, she will use the bathroom floor or the closet.<br><br>First stop would be the vet to make sure she doesn't have any health problems causing her not use the litterbox. <br><br>Then I would take a look at how often the litterboxes are cleaned and if there's a pattern as to when she won't use them.<br> How often are you dumping the litter?<br> Are you cleaning the box itself with cleanser and rinsing it every time you put fresh litter in? <br>Will she use it to defecate and not urinate? <br>Will she not use it if the other cat uses it? <br>Will she use it up to the point until there is poop in it? <br>Have you tried different brands of cat litter? Does that make a difference? <br>Is the litterbox located someplace that might make her feel cornered if there people about? (Had a cat that wouldn't go if there was anyone around and had to get a cover for the box for her)
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I have four cats, two of which we adopted from people who gave them up for the same reason, and for some reason when we got them they stopped having problems. Either that or I'm so used to dogs getting into stuff that I totally puppy proofed the house which also cat proofed it? I have no idea how it worked but it did =] Maybe you should cat-proof? Haha =]
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  • I'll ask my mom about some of these ideas, guys. =D Thanks.<br>We're getting her a new, giant scratching post for free sometime soon. We'll stock it up with catnip every now and then, I suppose -- to keep her busy.<br>I should ask about getting another litter box for her. But, her current litter box has a cover over it and is in a secluded room underneath the stairs, where no one ever goes unless to clean it.<br><br>NewfGirl;<br>Some cats, if they're in a different environment, have their problems "vanish." I think it may be because the place is more suited for them or they're happier...? It happens a lot with cats. My mom is under the impression that "old habits die hard," but with cats, I think it's different.<br><br>P.S. We've recently "puppy-proofed" the house since we got my newest dog, Sayge. So it's basically "cat-proofed," too, besides my bedroom. (:
  • Haha yeah I don't know too much about cats, they aren't my strong point. I'm too into dogs right now =]
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