So I was on this answers site a few minutes ago and this is the question and best answer thing:<br><br>QUESTION:<br>Is "No Tears" shampoo really necessary?<br>My son cries every time I give him a bath anyways. Should I even waste money on buying the "No Tears" shampoo? I think Aussie products smell better, too.<br><br>ANSWER:<br>Best Answer - Chosen by Asker<br>yes, no tears is necessary other products actually makes your eyes sting. Why don't you put a drop of Aussie shampoo in your eyes and see how it feels. If it feels fine then it will be fine on your son....<br><br>it seems to me your frustrated about your sons bath time<br>do you give him toys?<br>how old is he?<br>make bubbles and even blow bubbles<br>show him how fun water is<br>be sure temperature is alright maybe he is to cold or to hot...<br>4 days ago <br>0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Asker's Comment: Aussie didn't hurt too bad. He cries a little harder now, but it's saving me a few bucks. <span style="font-style:italic">If he doesn't stop this behavior I will be showing his whiny little face the bottom of the bathtub.</span> </span><br><br>The bold part just makes me want to dive through the computer and kick that woman in the face.<br>I MEAN COME ON HES A BABY!<br>I mean, if I had a son I would give him the best. Money wouldn't be the object to me. I wouldn't want thim to be in pain from that shampoo!<br>What do you guys think?
Michael Raymond
10.10.10 10:10 pm
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10.10.10 10:10 pm
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
10.10.10 10:10 pm
Goals: 13/50million VPC
10.10.10 10:10 pm
Thanks Lyc!
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