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My Super Annyoing, So Called..."Friends."

edited November 2009 in Vent
<span style="font-size:75">Oh. My. Gosh. So. It all started when school started in September. A new grade, new classes, new schedule, so it's obvious there's going to be some new friends. Actually, I've made quite a few new friends. Most very nice. None very close to me, but close enough to carry on a pleasant conversation with. However, some can be annyoing. Extremly annoying. Espesially these two.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Braggy Snob</span><br>OK, I made friends with this girl when we had to sit right next to eachother in one of our classes. At first, she seemed very nice. I figured I'd get along with her well. After a couple weeks of getting to know her, I knew I was wrong. She tries to be all sweet, but it's obvious she's not. She brags about everything. She judges people on what they wear, how they look, and even what they eat! Yes. We are working on a nutrition unit in one of our classes. We had to watch some boring video, and on the video, it was talking about unhealthy, fatty foods. It showed some ice-cream, and some chips, all that junk food. She was whispering this, right next to me: "Ew, that's disgusting." Who in there right mind thinks ice-cream is disgusting? Now, I know that some people are very health-concious, but she brags about her perfect, skinny figure all the time! We were reading the labels on packaged food. Cookies, chips, pretzels, fruit snacks, popcorn. "I realy don't eat any of ths stuff," she says in a snobby voice. Once again, maybe she's just a health nut. But then, she was saying "My doctor always yells at me. He says I'm too skinny. But I gained, like 3 pounds!" No, this wasn't in a concerned voice. It was in a braggy, snobby, I-have-a-perfectly-shaped-body-and-I-am-so-skinny-my-doctor-even-says-so voice. OK, fine. That's great. You are underweight and you don't eat any ice-cream or junk food. I'm so jealous. No, I'm not. I eat a lot of sweets and yummy stuff, and manage to stay at a healthy weight too. But guess what, there are people that can't. And you may be hurting their feeling talking about how gross packaged food is, and bragging about how skinny you are. And guess, what, I'm tired of it! And it's not just that, it's not even close to just that. Her looks, her smarts, her talent, her flexibilty. I told her about a musical I was in, in since she always say how much she loves to act and sing, and then asked her if she'd ever been in one. "No, I'm more interested in being in movies and stuff." Seriously? I wanted to lol. Do you really think you're going to get a decent part in a movie if you haven't even done a musical? In gym, during tumbling, in this stretch that most people hate she goes "Ooh, these are so fun!" OK, so you're good at. So am I. But I don't lie and say that they're so much fun just to get attention. Seriously, stop pretending to be all sweet and humble. It's kinda obvious that you're bragging. And you want me to be your friend. I'm getting really tired of pretending that I love hanging out with you and all your other snobby friends. :roll: <br><br>OK, wow. That was long. But, I really had to get it out. So a giant cupcake to anyone who actually read it. (Oh, and just to let you know, I'm not jealous of her. I'm just tired of her bragging about everything in everyone's faces, and talking about everyone behind their backs. Yes, she does that too.) Anyways, I promise the next on will be a lot shorter.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Bossy Know-it-All</span><br>This girl. She really gets on my nerves. She tries to act all cool and smart. Everything I do, she has to tell me that I did it wrong, and re-do it her way. She tries to be a little teachers pet, trying to boss everyone around and control everyone. She yells at me for almost everything I do. Even if I do it perfectly right. She has to find <span style="font-style:italic">something</span> wrong with it. and when I try to do something, she stops me, telling me it's wrong. Sometimes I just want to scream in her face "Shut up! Quit bossing me around now! I can do whatever I want and I don't need some know it all correcting me!" But that wouldn't be very nice, now would it? :x <br><br>Oh gosh. Don't I have lovely friends? You may think I'm crazy for calling them my friends, but trust me, I think I'm crazy too. :lol: <br><br>Anyways. Feel free to post and tell your super annoying so called friends stories too. And I hope you didn't loose your sight forever from reading all that. :) </span>
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • Maybe itll get better once you guys get older. My friends used to be like that. And one point, my now best friend, wouldnt even talk to me because I wouldnt be her "Clone." Yes, clone. Thats what she called her "Followers". She was very much so a bossy braggy Im-so-skinny-so-that-makes-me-batter-than-you-cause-youre-overweight-so-everyone-likes-me-more person. And after she outgrew that she had to do everything I did. I started skateboarding, she always bragged about how her mom was going to buy her a better one then mine. Who never got a skatebaord, at all? Her. Who still has hers? Me. I decided to get into the local music around here and she whined about how I never took her to any shows. I invite her but she never could go because she "had other plans". Really, her mom thought she'd get killed, considering the music Im into. Plus every band Ive liked, so has she. Every outfit I wore she bragged about hers being cuter. I say "I look cute today" she says "Thats great but I look amazing!'' So annoying :roll: Anyway... xD *nibbles on cupcake*
  • Oh, how I love friends. xD<br>The thing about the bragging is - the way to start a conversation is talking about yourself, I find myself talking about...well, myself alot of times but it carries on a good conversation. I also try to ask the other person questions about themselves. But, your 'friend' does seem braggy after I read the part about the musical. And I do know people who will completly ignore what I say and change the subject or talk about themselves. <br>-________-<br><br>And I had some of my BEST friends ditch me to go see a movie I suggested, and they said they had no room for me in the car for me when it was my idea to go see the movie in the first place AND they said I could ride with them. D<<br>/endrant
  • Avla wrote:
    <br>And I had some of my BEST friends ditch me to go see a movie I suggested, and they said they had no room for me in the car for me when it was my idea to go see the movie in the first place AND they said I could ride with them. D<<br>/endrant
    <br><br>Really? Oh, wow. And it was your idea? I hate it when I think of something, or I start talking about something, and then my friends go off without me to talk about it or something. So annoying.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    I started skateboarding, she always bragged about how her mom was going to buy her a better one then mine. Who never got a skatebaord, at all? Her. Who still has hers? Me.
    <br><br>That my dear, is a one-upper. I had experience with one myself. My old friend had to always say something better when I got something. I was getting a cat and she goes around saying she's getting a dog. That was four years ago and who has gotten cats since then? I have ;D. She is still without a dog. <br><br>There are just some people you can't connect with and who knows why they do the things they do. *shrugs* I don't surround myself with people that want to put me down. It's not healthy for you.
  • tarnish wrote:
    I don't surround myself with people that want to put me down.
    <br><br>That's the thing, I don't think either of these people even realize how rude and annyoing they can be! :x
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">Oh! I know what you mean! I pride myself for this. Best decision of the year. I had this friend, and over the summer we'd gotten really close. But when the school year started, she did the same your friends do. Always bragging about her thin shape. Makin' fun of people. Talking bad, horrible gossip behind my BEST friend's back. So one day, I got so SICK of it that I started to be quiet (rare for me) and ignored her. She would ask me things and I'd be snappy (rare for me). She began to leave me alone, but the next day she tried again thinking we were all good and I had mellowed down. I did the same thing again. I know I sound like a evil witch, but this was the first time I did it. xD <br><br>Oh. And. I hate it when people try to get attention. There's this girl who brags about stupid things. One time my bus broke down. She freaked out, saying "Oh my gosh, I want to get home! I'm late for seeing my dog." I thought "So, I have a dog I play with when I get home.." But of course she thinks she's tough because she's the tallest one in the class. 6 feet. Wow. No one cares. lol. She says she killed 3 people. She'd be in juvy.. She's worn this brace on her left arm, right? Trying to work people into thinking she'd hurt her hand. The next day she wore it on the other hand. Wow, stupidity. xD <br><br>Anyway, dump the trashy friends. You'll start acting like them, and you'll get into trouble if it continues. Believe me. Good luck. <br><br>PS- Don't make your life miserable for dumb friends. Make it right. :]]</span></span>
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