Well the day before the county fair me and my dog 4h group were preparing for fair. I hadn't been able to make it to a lot of the meetings since my parents were splitting up and I had to stay at home babysitting a lot. My 4h leader [Not going to say her name since that might be rude.] decided it was all my fault for "chosing" not to go to the meetings and said that I need to do my part. (even though I really <span style="font-weight:bold">was</span> trying very hard.) I get very sensitive when people yell at me and I don't know how to fix it. To make things even worse she decided to yell at my mom too and make her feel like a bad parent! Luckily my mom isn't the sensitive type, but I had to go through that night with everyone seeing me cry in public for the first time since kindergarten.<br><br>That's not all. The next day, the first day of fair, she yelled at me AGAIN.. and my dog (a Shiba Inu) gets very protective of me, especially when I'm nervous. So when I had to show her the judge came around and got to examining her... and my dog got nippy which made me MORE nervous..<br><br>Fair didn't go too well for me I didn't got to state or anything and I was scared of my 4h leader.<br><br>Well now its been three months and I haven't been to a 4h meeting since. I got one of my friends to explain what I'm going through to the leaders and hopefully they understand, but I'm still scared to go back. Isn't 4h supposed to be fun?<br><br><br>
<br>PART 2<br><br>Ok so I got a text from my ex on halloween saying he wants to be my friend again. (we were best friends, then we went out then he trashed me so I dumped him..) He said he missed being my friend and he actually seemed to mean it.... Well he didn't.. The next day he tells my best friend that he only said that because he was bored... Some people really!

Back in action?
Semper Fi.
Back in action?
Semper Fi.
Back in action?
Semper Fi.