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edited November 2009 in Game Suggestions
VHR has trial events, so we doesn't vp have matches. From what I know of vhr the trail events just show you how you'd do, without waiting for an actual event to run, or actual competation. Also from what I know you earn money from vhr trail events.<br><br>There are puppy matchs in real life, which is where I got the name idea. The object of a puppy match, is just a for fun show, that prepares you and the dog for a real show.<br><br><br>Im gonna let Piper tell you about the duels xD


  • Duels! :D<br>I dont think any other virtual pet game has this at the moment.<br>But think like a private competition.<br>You place the player # of each "competitor" and thos will be the only people that are allowed to enter the event.<br>Now in the event, you can bet (or "risk") VPC and Fame Points on your dog.<br>If your dog wins the competition, you receive all the fame & vpc the other player bet.<br><br>Yea... think like a pvp (player vs. player) game.<br>It would be incredibly fun and would add a new level of competition for those who already dominate the current events. <br>+ you wouldnt have to raise the purses for the current events... Just allow an unlimited risk/bet for the duels.
  • I like this Idea. I'm not much for competing but it would allow you to gain fame points in a new way!
  • Kudos both Wheaty and Piper.<br><br>I love both ideas.<br><br>I think it would definately give more depth for those players who would use it. =D<br><br>Everyone is always looking for ways to earn money and fame, i think this would be great :lol:
  • I love this idea, it could also be used as a way to transfer fame from one kennel to the other if you only enter your dgos in it
  • I like this.<br>I skimmed, so I don't know if this was mentioned, but maybe you can:<br>A. Gain some fame points<br>-or-<br>B. Gain more chances of winning an event.<br>-or- <br>BOTH!<br>Love the idea.
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
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  • I love this idea! It's difficult to compete dogs because of so many people dominating the different event types. Kudos!

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  • I actually kinda like this idea, but how long will the fun last? Is it something that will still be fun for you in a month, two months?<br><br>It has a draw, but I think that once people get over the newness of it, it'll end up being boring as in how many times can you compete individual dogs before people figure out you have the better dogs and stop challenging you?
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I am definitely a fan of the matches suggestion--I think it would help people decide what their dogs might do well in based on the dog's actual stats.<br><br>I agree with Bama about the duels. They seem like they would be quite a hit at the beginning but once the "hierarchy" of competitors is established, there wouldn't be much point in challenging others, unless on the rare occasion of having a new dog that might beat the reigning champion. Perhaps what might accomodate this idea better is to have gamewide duel matches once a year, kind of like the VP Olympics, and the victor in each event would be able to have that title for a full year (or half a year, a quarter, what have you) until the next round of challenges begins. This would potentially make the prizes and "glory" bigger and better. Just a thought. :)
  • I agree with Aziu ^.^ although.. Nickels dogs would still win >.> But the matches are a great idea! I get annoyed when I dont know what my dog would be good in.. and have to wait for ages for the event to run xD

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • @Bama & Aziu:<br>Yeap I understand what you're shooting at. But thats the whole point of having duels. You can compete against others of the same level. The uber people (like Nickel -sheesh lol-) can still compete in normal events and accept challenges from those brave enough to try them out with their new dogs or whatnot. <br><br>But for people, like newbies for instance, who dont always want to place 30th on the list with their not so well trained dogs will have a chance to only match or duel another dog with closer stats instead of going against a dog with 900 Adapt & Courage. :)<br><br>So if this new aspect was added to the game, it would be much faster to earn fame and money. You can fix the transferring fame problem, the low purse prizes problem, and people could stop trying to limit events (unsuccessfully) so that they can just compete their own dogs against their friends. <br><br>As for the fun factor, there are always new dogs popping up and old dogs needing to be taken off their high horse. I mean, I've been playing VP for 5 years and ever since I've seen how certain people dominate different show rings, I've been working to DESTROY them -jk- (or at least beat them a little >.> lol). For a dog that wins constantly, people can try their new super-loyalty-adapt-courage TrophyPup, for example, against one of these reigning champions. The Olympics could still go on, but dueling against one another would get more of a competitive spirit. Think of duels as the first entry level of a competition, events the nationals, and the Olympics as well... the Olympics. <br><br>What I'm trying to say would that, I would bring more traffic into the eventing world. We're not at all as competitive as VHR, and we should be. It would be amazing to have 120m winners and still have more than 5 years to continue eventing. And even people with amazing dogs get new dogs. These new dogs might fail, but they would be a project and dueling would be able to show you what your new dog needs work on.<br><br>I hope this makes sense. o_o<br>And clarifies a little one the points I'm trying to present :D
  • Piper- I get it now ^.^ So people dont have to compete against people if they dont want to, and they can against their friends ect, Like there is a button on a dog owned by someone else, saying 'challenge this dog' and then you click it, and choose a dog (like the breeding button) and send a request.. and the person could accept or decline it. Requests could show up in the 'while you were away' area, or a new challenge page in the events area, then if they accept, then you can decide what amount you want to put up for the winner... or thats what I got from it xD

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • woodpecker wrote:
    Piper- I get it now ^.^ So people dont have to compete against people if they dont want to, and they can against their friends ect, Like there is a button on a dog owned by someone else, saying 'challenge this dog' and then you click it, and choose a dog (like the breeding button) and send a request.. and the person could accept or decline it. Requests could show up in the 'while you were away' area, or a new challenge page in the events area, then if they accept, then you can decide what amount you want to put up for the winner... or thats what I got from it xD
    <br><br>Yeapyeap. :D<br>Exactly.
  • woodpecker wrote:
    Piper- I get it now ^.^ So people dont have to compete against people if they dont want to, and they can against their friends ect, Like there is a button on a dog owned by someone else, saying 'challenge this dog' and then you click it, and choose a dog (like the breeding button) and send a request.. and the person could accept or decline it. Requests could show up in the 'while you were away' area, or a new challenge page in the events area, then if they accept, then you can decide what amount you want to put up for the winner... or thats what I got from it xD
    <br><br>I like this idea. However, the only problem would that would be, what if someone with a great dog kept challenging an untrained not so good dog, just so they could win? It could get very annoying. Maybe there could be a way to block challenges?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • My other concern is that if the purses are unlimited, inflation could get way out of control--like it has on VHR. There needs to be a happy medium so VPC doesn't become completely worthless. :P Also, there would need to be a control in place so players could not challenge their own dogs from different kennels, as that would be a huge way to abuse this feature.<br><br>Not saying this idea is bad, just saying it might be a bit too complicated to implement. ;)
  • Aziu made a fantastic point that I dont think anyone else thought of , <br>the two different kennel compitions thing .<br><br>I could completely see this happening .<br><br>but , I do LOVE both ideas .
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • :)<br>Aziu, you're so lovely.<br>But, yea... There could be a cap on the bets you make with each competition. Of course, the money you'll be winning is the money the other party is STAKING on the competition. If you bet any money and you lose the competition, that would be the money you lose. So really, there will be no making of new moolahs and therefore, I dont think inflation should shoot up like crazy.<br><br>For your other point, the two competing kennel thing.<br>Well, there could be restrictions on that such as you can compete your dogs against each other in a duel but there would be no gain whatsoever. Meaning that there would be no betting or no gain in fame points. This would restrict the competition of the two dogs to just a test to see which dog is better. :) And people will try not to abuse this feature because it will be taken down as an -event- and therefore instaed of the maximum 4 events per turn, the dog now only has 3. So if they abuse the feature, they would be aging the dog uneccessarily. :)
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