Happy vent! Ive seen ome of these lately and Im having a great day today. So here goes!<br><br>I had the best Halloween ever! My bestie and I went to see Evil Dead the Musical. Sat in the splatter zone. Got like 7 gallons of fake blood thrown on us, while watching singing zombies. Pure amazing-ness.<br><br>I went to the mall with my friends I havent seen in forever today. I even made some new friends. My mom bought my a crapload of stuff for Christmas. Im so excited. Im getting like, a whole closet full of new clothes after Ive worn the same stuff for years. All the new stuff makes me feel all cute but still like myself at the same time, that never happens! Ive found an amazing way to mix my old stuff with my new stuff. <br><br>Im having such a good weekend, I hope you guys are too
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.