LOL<br>I havent been on in awhile. <br>But I found out that the computers in my graphic design class allow me to get onto all things Virtualpups. Except for chat. >.><br><br>Anyways, yahhhs! I havent talked to you guys in forever. I get really bored in my graphics design class... its like, the worse class. Well. sorta. I do get to play around with the e-net all day
Makes up for the bad things.<br><br>BUT! What have you all been up to? Fill me in! Fill me in!<br>What cool things have happened since I havent been on?<br>OH OH. Anyone hit 10x4 CzWs yet? I hope not. I still have like, a whole line that's still unfinished -.-<br><br>Anyways, Ima keep this thread alive with all the weirdo things that... well, that I must share. Teehee!<br><br>Nice to see you all again.<br>Toodles
Goals: 13/50million VPC