MY rabbits are my lifeeee(:<br><br>Okay so i've had rabbits for two years now, I have 10(+3 babies), 1 of which is just a non pedigreed meat rabbit, but he(Gizmo) is my baby, he was my first rabbit&&i dont plan on getting rid of him heh.<br><br>I have Jersey woolies, mini rex, and american chinchillassss(: all are pedigreed, I don't show though...<br>Here's my website. I jusmade it, so me know what you think!!(Btw; i didn't get pics of my mini rex yet so that's why on their page it only says info about each of them) alo i took all pics(:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>enjoy!
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