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no, its to mcuh. :(

edited October 2009 in Vent
I am Alycia and i was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes <br>when I was only 11 1/2 months old. Every day since I<br>have taken insulin. I just went on a mission trip to Arkansas<br>and they told me something very upsetting. They said that<br>Juvenile Diabetes killed a lot of kids. I didn't want to hear that<br>at all. I cried for days but I think I am okay. But anyway anything <br>to help me would be great. I could use some cheering up. Thanks<br>to everyone who helps, and donations for JDRF. (jdrf is the juvenile diabetes<br>research foundation international)


  • Same song and Dance here. I was 4. Think about it, it could actually be way worse. If it was several years ago, we wouldn't have made it to the ages we are today. I never heard that many died from it? I went on a JDRF walk ages ago, I wanted to go to one again. I recently went and talked to our states representative about it maybe a month ago, the other girl there was 11 I think o.O.
  • Aw, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Disease is awful. I've never heard of people dying from it either, but I'm glad you're okay. Feel better soon.
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