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edited October 2009 in Vent
*catches breath*<br>Ok, so we don't buy from them. Why you ask? They sell a book on how to fight dogs. Isn't that illegal? YES. Has it been purchased? YES. Aren't dogs LIVING THINGS?!?! YES.<br>Wow.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • Really? :shock:<br><br>They do? :shock: <br><br>Seriously? :shock: <br><br>Wow. :roll:<br><br><span style="font-size:75">PS I hate dog fighting, yes they are living things, it's stupid and cruel, most of the time both dogs get badly injured if not killed, it's a rotten, selfish way of making money. People complain about certain dogs or dog breeds being rotten killers that were born to fight, gee, do they ever say anything about dogs that are forced to fight?</span>
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <a href="; target="_blank" class="bb-url">...</a><br>o.o<br>WOW.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • <br><span style="font-size:75">dog breeds being rotten killers that were born to fight, gee, do they ever say anything about dogs that are forced to fight?</span>
    <br><br>Terriers, such as the Pit Bull are naturally dog-aggressive, with proper training you can socialize them, but they are "easier" to train/use in the dog fighting ring, because they <span style="font-style:italic">are</span> animal aggressive.<br>It's sad, but true.
  • O.o<br>We picked up a (obvious purebred) pitt bull stray and some mixbreed the other day. They weren't even on the same street. It was a double doosie. 8D But the pitt bothered the mix more than the mix bothered the pitt. Romeo(I named him) wanted to play. They're at the shelter now, I think Romeo got adopted.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Avla wrote:
    <br><span style="font-size:75">dog breeds being rotten killers that were born to fight, gee, do they ever say anything about dogs that are forced to fight?</span>
    <br><br>Terriers, such as the Pit Bull are naturally dog-aggressive, with proper training you can socialize them, but they are "easier" to train/use in the dog fighting ring, because they <span style="font-style:italic">are</span> animal aggressive.<br>It's sad, but true.
    <br><br>I know that, I was just saying that some people think, like, "all pit bulls are killers!" When really, it depends on how you treat and train them. And then the dogs get blamed for being killers because they were trained/encouraged/forced to fight. I know that they do have an instinct to fight, but it's worse if you teach it.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Avla wrote:
    <br><span style="font-size:75">dog breeds being rotten killers that were born to fight, gee, do they ever say anything about dogs that are forced to fight?</span>
    <br><br>Terriers, such as the Pit Bull are naturally dog-aggressive, with proper training you can socialize them, but they are "easier" to train/use in the dog fighting ring, because they <span style="font-style:italic">are</span> animal aggressive.<br>It's sad, but true.
    <br><br>I know that, I was just saying that some people think, like, "all pit bulls are killers!" When really, it depends on how you treat and train them. And then the dogs get blamed for being killers because they were trained/encouraged/forced to fight. I know that they do have an instinct to fight, but it's worse if you teach it.
    <br><br>True, but none the less there is prey drive in almost every dog-not to long ago a few pit bulls go loose in our neighbor hood and ripped apart a puppy and tore off a woman's hand.<br>Now their background I don't know of, most likely fighting dogs.<br>Strange thing was that they attacked a woman.
  • I don't know much about their background either. To be honest, I wouldn't want one as a pet, I'm sure of them can be very nice dogs, but I couldn't deal with aggrestion problems.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I saw the book too...but I still buy from Amazon =P Id like to know how this has anything to do with Amazon... If all the bookstores out there sold that book, would you just not buy books? There are a -lot- of books about illegal subjects. It hasn't always been illegal, and the purpose of it from a historian's P.O.V could simply be trying to understand what people that fought dogs were thinking, point out the obvious reasons its wrong, etc. to get all the view points of certain subjects, like dog fighting.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I don't know much about their background either. To be honest, I wouldn't want one as a pet, I'm sure of them can be very nice dogs, but I couldn't deal with aggrestion problems.
    <br><br>O.o Crazy. Pitt Bulls make better dogs than any breed out there! They're so sweet.<br><br>And to nickel, Amazon has the right to take it off of thier site. They know it's illegal and wrong, why sell it?
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I agree with nickel. Honestly its just a book! There are plenty of other books that have dog fighting IN them and describe what takes place or how to do certain things. Unless the book <span style="font-style:italic">itself</span> is illegal, then Amazon is fine. They are just carriers and that doesn't necessarily mean they support it. <br><br>I'm sure ebay has things like that. Are you going to boycott them? What about all the other bookstores that probably carry topics like that? Are you never going to buy from any bookstore again?<br><br>It's just words on paper that mean nothing now because its illegal. I'm sure whatever was written was way back when and was just reprinted for research or just plain curiousity of the topic. <br><br>There are books on murder which is illegal. Should people boycott the stores that carry those as well? <br><br>I just think its a little overboard over one of their items.
  • Pepper if walmart or target sold the book would you ban them? You most likely would not. Also I'd like to tell you something about large corporations they really <span style="font-style:italic">don't</span> care most of the time what some people might think about the things they carry because there is a market for such things. In actuality any book written on any subject can be good or bad depending upon what the reader does with the knowledge. Sure I could go and buy this book and go fight my dogs, however, did you consider the possibility that I might also use the knowledge to educate people in a presentation on <span style="font-style:italic">just why</span> the sport is rightfully ban? I have always been of the option that before you argue against something you <span style="font-style:italic">need</span> to really know <span style="font-style:italic">both</span> sides of the argument! The good the bad and the ugly truth is that before you can really say something such as <span style="font-style:italic">"Oh I hate this! It should be ban!"</span> (not that you said exactly that) you should take time out and really consider things from both sides and then again dispassionately and neutrally.<br><br>Also on the subject of Ban books. I find them interesting! Any one who has the guts to put their reputation out on the line and publish such works has my approval any day. Many great books we know today were at one point shunned. Think about "Catcher in the Rye" it was ban for a while, but is now acclaimed as a must read. Or a subject that could possibly be closer to what you have here, abet, on a much grander scale is "Mein Kampf" the man who was said to be the evilest man to ever walk the earth wrote that! Now then think on that and tell me if complaining selling a book about dog fighting is really where your concerns should be? <br><br>If t truly bothered you ever so much you can always write a book for why we should not fight dogs, and even then I'm willing to lay cash down that your work would be stronger if you used the very book you were condemning as source material! Thought for food here: Did you know that a lot of nonchristians who do not believe any thing written in that book still read it! You know why? Because it is ever so fun to confuse people who <span style="font-style:italic">"strongly"</span> believe something with their own facts! <br><br>But my point is that if you know what you are arguing for or against you are that much harder to <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> listen to. Other wise you are just a bunch of hot air and either ignored or ridiculed for lack of knowledge.
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Ah, you're right. I thought about it might be used for police officers, so they know how a dog fighting setting should look like, so when they do see one they know.<br>Hmm.<br>I just don't feel like looking at both sides. xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Personally, I'd buy a book on dog fighting, that way I can use it for knowledge. It'd help me to understand why the sport's banned (besides the obvious 'forcing dogs to fight is wrong' thing), how it began, and how it's changed dog breeds. Because, let's face it, it HAS changed breeds. =p<br><br>What I find really funny is that a lot of dogs trained to fight aren't human aggressive, but people automatically assume they are. I've been bitten by more 'well trained' and 'socialized' animals than I have 'aggressive' dogs, or dogs with a possible history of being used in fighting.<br><br>I wouldn't boycott a site based on that at all. xD Sure I'd boycott a site/shop that sold those books, and say, objects used in fighting, and that's it, but a site/shop that sells a wide variety of useless junk, such as Amazon or Ebay? Naw, it's not worth it. They don't have the time to filter through every. single. offer. to find the ones that may be "offensive" to people, especially for corporations as large as Amazon.
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    Ah, you're right. I thought about it might be used for police officers, so they know how a dog fighting setting should look like, so when they do see one they know.<br>Hmm.<br>I just don't feel like looking at both sides. xD
    <br><br><br>Lol, if you're going to post something like this, I'd think you would want to look at both sides =P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Not to mention - most bully breeds <span style="font-style:italic">were</span> bred to fight when they where first created.
  • EDIT: (Hate that there is no edit button) >.> anyways, not saying I'm for it, just stating a fact, so that no one gets confused. xD
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    Ah, you're right. I thought about it might be used for police officers, so they know how a dog fighting setting should look like, so when they do see one they know.<br>Hmm.<br>I just don't feel like looking at both sides. xD
    <br><br><br>Lol, if you're going to post something like this, I'd think you would want to look at both sides =P
    <br><br>I'm not normal.<br>O.o<br>xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I never said whether you were normal or not...just stating the logical thing to do ^^
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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