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Hello- I'm new! XD

Hello everyone,<br>I don't know if this is the normal way to introduce yourself, but I'll do it anyway :)<br>My name is Chris (short for Christine), I'm 16 at the moment but turning 17 this sunday. I heard of VP through a couple of people at my school. And since I'm really into dogs and anything else that's furry, I thought I'd try it. :D <br>I found out how most f the stuff works but bear with me, if I have some silly questions to ask. :oops: I hope I'll get the hang of it soon.<br>Hmm, a bit more about myself:<br>-I love animals( anything, really anything from snakes to apes to little tiny mice XD)<br>-I especially love Neapolitan Mastiffs, although I don't have any of my own. But I'll hopefully have some in the future. :o <br>- I'm into making graphics, mostly animations and banners. I tried myself at some layouts but I'm still working on my skill there.<br><br>I guess that's me XD<br><br>Love to all <3


  • Welcome, my name is Kristine too, just spelt differently xD<br>Snap! I'm 17 soon as well xD<br>Actually, wait. No. In 7months o.O Seeems closer.<br><br>Welcome to VP, I'm sure you will fit in straight away, especially if you have friends from school who play. And dont worry about daft questions, we were all new at some point and totally understand xD<br><br>I hope you have plenty of fun! Join us in chat sometime! (:
  • Hiya. Im Cybe. Welcome.
  • Thank you guys! :D <br>It's nice to know that there a people who can help you out.<br>I'll drop into chat for sure! :wink:
  • Hey. I'm either Pepper, Violet, or WitchyPepper. I prefer Violet. 8D<br>I have a great dane, two geckos, and two labs, and one Flat Coated Retreiver. All are rescues and are all neutered.<br>I used to have a mastiff mix, but he was 14 and old. D: We put him down.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Hi Violet :)<br>That's a lot of dogs you have there :wink: <br>I only have a Golden Retriever at the moment. Our Budgy died and our Guinea Pig had to be put down, because it's teeth just wouldn't stop growing.<br>14!! o0<br>That's very old for a mastiff, even if it's a mix.<br>I haven't had to put a dog down yet but letting my guinea pig go was enough for the start.<br><br>Anyways, enough of the sad stuff in life that has to unfortunately happen at some point. :wink: <br>Thanks for introducing yourself to me :D
  • edited October 2009
    Well hello there!<br>Im Tiff. But id like to be called shameh :)<br>And i love love love all animals.<br>I have 4 dogs. 3 boxers and a black lab.<br>I also have 2 snakes and a lizzard. I did have 2 guinea pigs. But well one died of an unknown Cause yesterday. But i think she was just old ;.;. But she was my best friend. But i have a babby one. We are getting her a friend soon cause she has always had that guinea pig with her.<br>And im only 13.<br>But ive been playing for longer then i had this forum account XD<br>We all were new once. So any questions arent Silly.<br>And as Ell said join us on chat sometime :)!!!<br>You can message me anytime. <br><br>--- Shameh
  • Well let's see...<br>I'm buffy and Most people will tell you that im pretty easy to get along with... There are a few who absolutely despise me. but that's because they're immature and i dont deal well with immaturity. Other than that though, if your nice to me, ill be nice to you.<br>I have about every kind of dog there is... 2 thousand on this game. <br>but real life, i have three.<br>A great dane/blue heeler. blue heeler/siberian huskey. and an AKC german shepherd.<br>I've also got a feesh named Kumon. <br>Other than that, if you need help or just want to talk you can always pm me, im usually friendly enough to help or answer questions as long as you're polite =D
  • Hey! Welcome to vp. My name is dachshund girl but you can call me dach, buddy's girl, sammy (still unsure about how I got that one) or any other name you want. I have been playing for three years and am always willing to help if you have any problems let me know. I have a miniature dachshund named Buddy (hence the name). I love website design/layouts and coding. I hope to see you around!
  • Hellooooooooo!<br>Welcome to VP!<br>I'm Alliieennss, though commonly called Wert. <br>I love all animals as well x333.<br>I'm 17, turning 18 in another month xD. <br><br>Don't worry at all about silly questions. Everyone is very helpful here x3. <br><br>I draw, sometimes I sell art xD. <br><br>I'm sure you'll be able to sell your graphics here, your siggy is very nice!
  • Hai thurr. Welcome to VP!<br>I am Avla, or as some call me Lava or Lollipop.<br>I'm sure you will have a funny nickname in the future. xDD<br>I have Poodles & a Daschund. I also have two cats and a lizard. :3<br>I am 17 too. XD<br>And I think that's it for the basics. 8DD
  • HEY ! welcome lol i am only thirteen and have been playing this game for a year but love it. My mom used to raise dachshunds so i love them but i have my own dog she is a golden retriever and at the moment she has 10 purebred golden pups. I have many cats over thirty i live on a farm and we have a border collie, lab and a mix dog too. <br>I hope you like this game as much as many of us do Good Luck !!!
    Looking for upgrade.
  • Wow!<br>I have to say, I'm really overwhelmed by you guys!<br>I already enjoy this game very much and I know that there is always help if I need it.<br>And all of you seem to have so many pets! XD<br>I wish I was able to have that many. I must be really exciting to live with that amount of animals :D <br>And I read, that some of you have some snakes( tiffer XD). That's really cool. I love snakes. I want one but my dad doesn't like them so I'll have to wait until I move out.<br>This might sound silly, but do you give all of your pets anmes? This is a question for everyone XD<br>I mean, if you have 3 dogs and 2 cats or something like that, I can understand giving them names but if you have over thirty cats(kmcov) what do you name them? o0
  • Hey welcome I am Dogtrainer101 also called Doggeh, DT101 and many other things I have been playing for about 5 years now I have been a sponsor for about 3 of those if you have any questions feel free to ask.<br>A little about my self is I have 3 dogs a 12 year old lab(Jake) a 8 year old Beagle mix(Mindy) and a 2 year old Cockalier(Daisy), A calico cat(Angel), A Morgan Horse(Brooklyn) and about 80 fish right now. I breed fish and rescue them all of my largish animals(Dog,cat, horse) have all been rescued and all but the horse are fixed.
  • Hey, im Woody :D and ive been playing the game for.. i dont even remember xD Dont worry about asking questions, its how you learn :D -Most- people on here are very friendly, as long as you respect the rules, dont overbreed ect. On vp, im breeding neobolish mastifs. In real life, i part own a dog (its complicated) called Chappie, hes lab/doberman/german shepherd cross, sounds nasty, but hes a soppy poofdog xD Youve done exactcly the right thing by introducing yourself, its always good to make a great first impression :D If you made your banner, youre great at graphics! You should teach me xD Feel free to message me any questions ect. Id be glad to help, and im sure we can become great friends :D

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Hello! You can call me Luvy if you'd like. I've been playing the game for over a year, so if there's anything at all you need help with, just pm me! Lets see, I have 2 black labs, 2 cats, 2 rabbits, and 1 beta fish. I also take horse back riding lessons. :D <br><br>So.....are you just new to the forums, or new to VP all together?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I'm Katie! But you can call me Galileo, or Gal, or even Galllo! lol Welcoem to the VP!!!
  • Well, I'm a little later than normal and in general, but hello and welcome to VP. ^^<br>I'm femme, vampers, vamp, femalevamp14 fv14 or Iseul. :3<br>Nice to meet you.<br>And good luck with your Neo's. Since Nickel hasn't been showing much, I should still have the best weight pullers of the Neos.. :twisted: <br>If you plan on showing them in weight pulling that is. xD<br>But anywho-good luck to ya. :)
  • <span style="color:green"><span style="font-size:75">Hi. I'm Kaley. ;] Just call me...Kaley. Lol.<br>I have a lhasa-poo. Lhapsa Ahpsa (spelling? lol) and a poodle mix. ;]<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... /shizz.jpg</a><br>That's him. ;D<br>His name's Izzy. :D<br><br>I am pretty young (i don't like telling my age. xD) Under 14. There. lol<br>I have a lot of friends on VP.<br>You will make 'em quick since your such a nice person. :)<br><br>I hope you like VP so far!<br>Enjoy.<br>And like Shameh said, join us in chat. I'm either Kaley or BlackKatKaley in there. ;]</span></span> <br><br><span style="color:green"><span style="font-size:150">HAVE FUN! ;]</span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Sweet. Fresh meat. >:]<br>Naw. I'm kiddin'.<br><br>Welcome to VP <3<br>Heard about it at school? That's cool. xD Do you know who anyone is on here?<br><br>But anyways. xD You can call me Horse, Hose.. or pick a nickname. Most people call me Horse, that's my name on chat. ^^<br>I've been playing forrr... over 2 and a half years. So if you need help, just give me a shout! If it's just a question.. or if you'd like help starting out (I could lend you a wicked show dog), or maybe something else, go ahead and ask.<br><br>Nice to meet you. 8D</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I'm Kazuko. I've been playing VP since it first was open for public sign-ups.<br><br>A lot of people here will tell you I'm a jerk, so I won't lie there, but I'm friendly enough in -most- cases. I do have something of a blunt personality, however, so if you don't like someone telling you what's wrong with something you say/do, avoid me like the plague that I am.<br><br>OTHERwise. I'm pretty generous and whatnot. 17 years old, president of my school anime club... Yup.<br><br>I have... An assortment of pets: Three chickens (Kytaro, Aranel, and Teriyaki), a guinea pig (Roxas... We had Axel, but, ironically, Roxas killed him.), a dog (Brook Lynn), a cornsnake (Blaze), a cockatiel (Luna), a pigeon (Walter), and my movie-star ferret (Deja Vu Du) who is in a movie coming out next May, called Piranha 3-D.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    I'm Kazuko. I've been playing VP since it first was open for public sign-ups.<br><br>A lot of people here will tell you I'm a jerk, so I won't lie there, but I'm friendly enough in -most- cases. I do have something of a blunt personality, however, so if you don't like someone telling you what's wrong with something you say/do, avoid me like the plague that I am.<br><br>OTHERwise. I'm pretty generous and whatnot. 17 years old, <span style="font-weight:bold">president of my school anime club</span>... Yup.<br><br>I have... An assortment of pets: Three chickens (Kytaro, Aranel, and Teriyaki), a guinea pig (Roxas... We had Axel, but, ironically, Roxas killed him.), a dog (Brook Lynn), a cornsnake (Blaze), a cockatiel (Luna), a pigeon (Walter), and my movie-star ferret (Deja Vu Du) who is in a movie coming out next May, called Piranha 3-D.
    <br><br>Why on earth does Kyt have an anime club at school and I don't? -.-<br><br><span style="font-size:67">sorry for the spam. x3</span>
  • Hi Violet :)<br>14!! o0<br>That's very old for a mastiff, even if it's a mix.<br>
    <br>I know. <br>The vet was amazed.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Heya Im wheaty :D<br><br>I'd love to get to know as I try to be social :D<br><br><br>Now for a little about me I live on a farm with Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red and White holstiens, and Jersey cows. My mom breeds Soft Coated Wheatens, We have 6 soon to be 7 dogs, named Meg, Annie, Butter, Shane, Faith, Karma, and Erin. The 7th is Dexter he is coming home to us next week. I have 4 goats 1 lamancha, and 4 nubians. Named Thyme, Lightining, Rosemary, and Rain. I will have baby goats in March. I think that sums it up.
  • So many nice new people here!<br>I hope we'll get along fine, I'm pretty uncomplicated :D <br>Wow, some of you have been playing for donkey's years. I wonder if I can say that in a few years time XD<br>I hope so 'cause I've never really heard of any other game like VP.To me it's one of a kind anyways. I'll just hop along in the game. I've read somewhere that you can buy sponsors to gain more 'access' to training and breeding and rescue kennels and too much info for my little brain at the moment XD<br>But everything seems very straight forward and the question & support area here in the forum did help me a lot in the last...two days XD<br><br>Oh, and yes, I'm completely new to the whole universe of Orbis and all it's formats. :) <br>Do any of you play on the other games? I believe it's Horse Ranch and Sand Box Farm from what I read on their website?
  • edited October 2009
    <span style="font-size:92">OMGHAI!<br><br>It's always nice to see new people who actually give a crap about learning how to play.. we don't get many of those anymore.<br><br>I'm Holland. :] Anyone that knows me calls me Vi. =D Well, some call me Oaters or Oatie. I'm 16 and I've been playing VP for 5 years (well, 5 years on November 2nd), I've played since beta.<br><br>And as everyone else said, don't worry about asking questions, it's how you learn. <br><br>ohand..<br><br>WELCOME! :D</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Hi,<br>Im Shepherd, or Shep, and on chats for now its GhostlyShep. I've been playing vp for around 4-5 yrs. I too have an assortment of pets I have a bunch of Cattle, 8 horses & 2 boarding horses, 3 chickens, 2 piggies, 5 dogs, 2 geckos, 4 rabbits, a barn kitty and an inside kitty:)<br><br><br>Welcome To Vp:)
  • yA I name all my cats lol because i love them we dont name the kittens until they are grown up because some dont survive and others like the males leave so we (my twin and i) name them when they are like a year or so!!! we come up with a lot of names but the litter like brothers and sisters usually have the same starting letter of their names like Crishtion and Camron. There my sisters favorite cats and Razzi is mine and one black male that i havent names any suggestions (anyone who reads this ) PM me or just post lol and we name all 24 of our horses lol our pigs, dogs,peacocks, dont name our chickens or ducks, name our cows, sheep, lol and parrot(huwie) and all our other animals .!!!
    Looking for upgrade.
  • Hola! XD<br>The name is Mahgic, you can call me Mahg;<br>I've been playing since forever-<br>So if you need any tips just send me a message ;D<br><br>I'm not on forums to much, but I pop up here and there.<br><br><br>Nice to meet'cha xD
  • I play VHR!<br>Its amazing too.<br>but i prefer vp.
  • Hey.<br>I'm John or MustangBoy.<br>I'm like a record holder on here for :<br>1. Probably youngest (12 almost 13)<br>2. Pretty sure only boy.<br><br>I've been playing for 3-4 years.<br>I too make graphics.<br><br>So.<br>Yea.<br>Welcome to VP.<br>So far, I love your graphics.
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
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