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Opinions, anyone??

edited October 2009 in General Discussion
Sooo I collect gifties. And just recently my sponsor expired, so I can't add to my 150+ dogs at all.<br><br>Along with that I also have college applications and school and friend stuff going on lately and haven't had much time for VP. I have a friend who recently started playing, and I was wondering if maybe it makes sense to auction off all of my gifties and concentrate my efforts into my rescue program and helping my friend out.<br><br>In my position, would you give up on someting you've been passionate about for over a year and just take the money and run? I mean, I can understand both sides of the argument and wondered what everyone else thought I should do.<br><br>I am in no way quitting - I still have graphics and rescue work to do. I'm just not sure if I should be keeping this giant worthless kennel of gifties around.
I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=


  • Hmm thats kinda tough spot to be in. I would say keep the gifties that mean the most to you and auction off the ones that you like but aren't ones that you feel you absolutely need to keep. Just my thoughts.
  • You could also just keep the gifties and remember to log on. Maybe when you have down time once in awhile you can play again. Or do what trisscar said, which is a very nice idea.<br><br>It's really only up to you and how you really feel about it. For me, I'd just hide away all my gifties and log in every now and then. Who knows if I'll get back into it. When I completely start to forget, then I'll get rid of them. That's my take. ;)
  • What about using someone's boarding kennel to keep them on?
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I agree with Trisscar, sort through them and keep your favorites, auction off the rest.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • also if you have breeding rights to any try to use those first and keep the ones you are not selling in a boarding kennel?
  • Thanks! I think I'll go with the idea of selling some - boarding kennels are too much money for me right now.<br><br>I might just keep the gifites of certain breeds I love or something like that.<br><br>Thanks for all the input, and look for a massive gifty auction coming your way!
    I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=
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