Sooo I collect gifties. And just recently my sponsor expired, so I can't add to my 150+ dogs at all.<br><br>Along with that I also have college applications and school and friend stuff going on lately and haven't had much time for VP. I have a friend who recently started playing, and I was wondering if maybe it makes sense to auction off all of my gifties and concentrate my efforts into my rescue program and helping my friend out.<br><br>In my position, would you give up on someting you've been passionate about for over a year and just take the money and run? I mean, I can understand both sides of the argument and wondered what everyone else thought I should do.<br><br>I am in no way quitting - I still have graphics and rescue work to do. I'm just not sure if I should be keeping this giant worthless kennel of gifties around.
Goals: 13/50million VPC