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It's calle "VIRTUALpups" for a reason...



  • Ohh I was having one of those "shopping sprees" today there are quite a few less border collies and german shepherds LOL
  • Magical wrote:
    Ohh I was having one of those "shopping sprees" today there are quite a few less border collies and german shepherds LOL
    <br><br>I get messages a lot of why do just buy my dogs and kill them i reply because its called memory on the game all i did was like erase it.
  • I had another incident, so I once again feel the need to bump this :evil:
  • I still haven't got one of those messages yet :( *feels left out* lol
  • I think I remember getting some novices messaging me not to "kill" their dogs, back in like 05 when I was a rescue kennel haha. Five years later it's still going on. I tend to ignore it.<br><br>I dislike it when people judge others harshly for breeding practices. I used to linebreed and I don't anymore, but that doesn't mean that I necessarily "look down" on people who play the game differently. You're right. It's VIRTUALpups. People can play how they like. :P I see superior stat gains when you match generation for generation instead of breeding back to earlier gens, but plenty of people have created wonderful, high-statted dogs that excell in events through linebreeding. It's an integral part of the VP community. And I certainly don't like it when people message others trying to get them to change their ways because "inbreeding is bad for dogs." Live and let live. :D
  • Kiarei wrote:
    I think I remember getting some novices messaging me not to "kill" their dogs, back in like 05 when I was a rescue kennel haha. Five years later it's still going on. I tend to ignore it.<br><br>I dislike it when people judge others harshly for breeding practices. I used to linebreed and I don't anymore, but that doesn't mean that I necessarily "look down" on people who play the game differently. You're right. It's VIRTUALpups. People can play how they like. :P I see superior stat gains when you match generation for generation instead of breeding back to earlier gens, but plenty of people have created wonderful, high-statted dogs that excell in events through linebreeding. It's an integral part of the VP community. And I certainly don't like it when people message others trying to get them to change their ways because "inbreeding is bad for dogs." Live and let live. :D
    <br><br>*bows down to you* I'm glad my vent is actually relating to people! xD
  • I'm a novice, used to be a sponsor, and even I get those messages lol. I think sometimes this gives novices a bad rep. :/ But oh well different people are different lol. I for one have had those shopping sprees as well, mostly with Shiba Inus lol
    Back in action?
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