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Haha I just tortured my cat.

Want to know something funny? I just tortured my cat. See I just made salsa so I cut up hot peppers and then like a half an hour after my cat started meowing which usualy means he wants to play (He is like a young cat old kitten) And well we kinda restle. Where he attacks my hand and I throw him around a bit. And well he went to take a bite of my hand it took a second to set and then he ran away from me shaking his head and kind of sneez coughing. It was hilariouse.
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  • No one has a story like this? I am very disapointed with all you sadists out there
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • My cat ate a piece of a hot pepper once by accident because we left food out on the counter. He was afraid of eating anything that wasn't his food for a few months! I felt kinda bad for him, but a least it kept him off the counter.. lol
  • lol reminds me of when i was playing ball with my german shepherd, angel. Sept I grabbed a tomato and she caught it in her mouth then it exploded in her mouth and she freaked out lol. :)
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • If i just pet my cat she acts like she is getting tortured; xD<br>But one time she ate my step dads hot chili xDD
  • Well, i didnt really have story like that with my cat. He used to sit on the spare sear at the table whist we ate, then if youd put a bit of brocolli or meat ect. On the table in front of him, hed scoop it up with one paw, then eat it off it :lol: it was soo cute. And when we called him in at night, we'd whistel and call his name, then shut the door. 5 mins later, Hed be at the cat flap xD<br><br>Although with my dog.. in the summer i was cutting onions. He eats -everything- that falls on the floor, so of course, he was hovering around. A large bit scooted of the worksurface and landed on the floor. He immediatly came over and sniffed at it. His face just cracked me up. He sneezed (or really made a sound like 'mnooshhh!!!!!') and ran off, he didnt come back for the rest of the day xD

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  • None of those are Torture stories though they are quite good!!<br><br>Goshy I love wait I love torturing animals haha jp<br><br>Any of you have Torture stories??
    Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
  • I wouldn't call this "torture" but my friend thought it was. <br>When I was 12, I use to push my cat across our tile and he just lay there and slide and then come running back. One of my friends was over one night and he came over a laid right in front of me, so I pushed him and he slid across the floor then came running back over. Well, my friend started crying because she thought I was hurting him. LMAO!!!<br>And my doxie likes it to, of course he's a little on the hyper side. But, they see it as a game.
  • My Dad tortured my cat the other day. He held her and jumped up and down and you should have seen her... she like stretched up in the air and then turned into a ball and then back and forth up and down it was so funny. She looked quite alarmed though so he went to put her down but she jumped off his chest and hit her head on the table. :( Poor cat. But I asked her if she wanted a treat and she seemed fine after that.<br><br>LOL poor little animal
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • When our youngest dane, Taryn.. was just a puppy.. my boyfriend, his best friend, and myself ran a paintball field where we also lived. The house was a POS, with a tiny upstairs and steep, narrow stairs to the downstairs. Well, anybody who has ever owned/seen great dane puppies know that for that first year-ish, they are incredibly clumsy. Taryn was only about 9 weeks old with huge paws, a huge ribcage, bowed legs, and a tiny head.. and she'd learned how to get up (most) of the stairs, but was terrified to go down. ALOT of people(mostly drunk, those stairs made for plenty of great laughs)/animals have fallen "victim" to the stairs. My boyfriend waited ever so anxiously to witness Taryn finally going down the stairs. Finally one night during the winter, he went downstairs to let two of our other danes outside as I encouraged Taryn to take her first step down the stairs from the top. While my boyfriend's back was turned, I gently nudged Taryn's bottom and just like that all four of her feet go out oppisite ways (superman style) and she slides ALL the way down going thud-thud-thud the whole way. My boyfriend's best friend was sitting on the couch by the stairs and heard the thudding, when he looked at my pop-eyed, open-mouthed expression he guessed what happened and just started HOWLING with laughter. Needless to say, my boyfriend rushed back in, pretty miffed that he had waited so long to miss it, and alas he never got to see it.<br>..He liked to play "spin the puppy" alot with her before she got too big. I dare say I do not want to even think about how many different ways he found to harass and "torture" her when she was young.. Boys..<br><br>Here's a picture of Taryn at about 4 months old next to the much more graceful Ariel. This picture really shows off the "hulk legs".. XD.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 802005.jpg</a>
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