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Sentimental Value!!!!!!!!

edited October 2009 in Vent
When my mom gets mad she goes on a cleaning rampage, and when she does she doesn't care what it is it's garbage to her. So today, I was doing some cleaning in my room throwing trash away, when I got done I took the trash out, and out in the garbage cans sat two bags of stuffed animals....the ones from my I rushed inside and opened my closet, they where ALL gone except for ONE bear, my mom threw out a bear that my grandma gave me before she passed away, there where tons of sentimental value items that where in there, and when it comes to my stuffed animals I NEVER get rid of them..I have some back when I was 7....and now I can't get them back. :evil:


  • My mom did the exact same thing to me. I had gotten a bear from my great grandma from when I was 6 or so and I've had that thing forever. Well last year she gave it away. I was soo upset. It was the ONLY thing my Great Grandma gave me before she passed away. I don't collect stuffed animals but I have a few that a very special to me because of who gave them to me or what not. My mom knew that I only kept certain ones but still she didn't even ask me about that one bear.
  • Aw, that's horrible. :(<br>I guess I am lucky though, I still have a porcelain doll she gave me.<br>I usually collect stuffed animals because of my childhood.
  • I have a few stuffed animals left from my childhood. I always was a reader so thats what I collected. Books. The longer they are the better. I have a horse that I used to sleep with every night. I was totally in love with horses. My parents gave it to me when I was 7. I didn't cuddle with it. I just put it on the other side of my pillow to 'watch' me sleep. lol.
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