<span style="font-size:75">hello my lovelies, anyone remember me?<br><br> goodness has been nearly a half year since I left.<br>and nope, I'm not back for good, just figured I'd check in on you all.<br>Anywho.<br>So, am back in Notts for uni, which is pretty fab :] <br>am taking psychology and law of course, to be a forensic psychologist<br>thought I would die from the suspense of waiting for results week in august but did quite well. of course, would have liked better, but Im pleased anyhow.<br>Freshers week starts tomorrow! woo!! going to be excited to get involved with all the freshers events hehehe <br>David is back in blighty, but I went to visit him in France twice while he was there, and it is bloody hottttt. and flat! the wine there is pretty fabulous though

and the cheese. and bread. and pastries. darn frenchies!<br>still graphics-ing of course, though I've slowed down considerably, but also improved considerably. Am developing an actual style evidently, rather than just blending and colouring it to look good haha<br>Uhhh... humm, what else is new... oh! got a jobbb. two hours five days a week but pays well and I hate to be a mooch and not contribute toward the mortgage or groceries, and now I can do that :] <br>Fouunnnd a new hobby. Live Action Role Playing. YES I AM A SUPER DORK

but yeah. dressing up as a vampire called Vervaine Ellington every few weeks is super fun, and the fact that its basically just improv acting makes it that much more fun

People should definately read up on it lol. The system is called the White Wolf System, and the game itself is called Vampire: The Masquerade. Most cities actually have a group lol so if you read up on it, and decide you like it, you ought to look into it

<br>October is a suuuuuuuper expensive month for me haha<br>so many gigs and club nights, not to mention October's Whitby Goth Weekend! Which by the way took me forever to find accomodation forrrr. Ended up having to rent a cottage for the thursday to sunday lol worth it though- have got like six or eight of mine and David's friends staying with us to, so it'll be pretty fun. and of course, a few more of my favourite bands are playing! ((grooving in green, faith and the muse, and rhombus))<br>have got purple hair this year... perhaps I ought to dye siouxsie red?<br>SEGUE INTO PETS!<br>so, siouxsie faded to a purplish white and is still that colour. she looks very distinguished, and adores to show off her purpleness to everyone. she's still got her very particular music taste and will growl at rap and hip hop, and leave the room when country music starts playing lol. <br>john smith is behaving far more gentlemanly, and has since moved in with David and I, and is of course quite glad of the company of siouxsie, though initially they didnt get on, they've learned to lol. <br>gallifrey isnt looking very puppyish anymore, he's now nearly eight months old, and is definately in his teen stage, very gangly. he's succccch a gorgeous boy though. mum's had him competing in puppy classes, and he's won a few best in breeds, but nothing much more, but we're hoping his future shall provide more wins ^^ <br>that's...pretty much it lol<br>I shall hang around for the next week or so, I think :]<br><br>rose x</span>
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(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )