Well, saturday I went riding with Andrew for a good 5 hours, we switched off and on but I rode the most.

We had to use a new saddle..because his newer saddle broke while I was riding. x.x And the leather at the bottom by the stirrup was like..curled up or something. o.O and everytime I kicked him the curled up part hit the exact same spot on mi ankle. Dx But I kinda just dealt with it. <br>After about 4 hours out in the fields we went down into the arena that's in the top barn to do some jumping. o.o Mind you, I've never done jumping, except for when he jumped up a hill and I had no idea he was going to. x.x I almost fell off that time.<br>But we went up on the loft and got.. *counts* 9 or 10 hay bales to jump over. We set up three of them to jump over, and the other ones set up further so we went around them and not straight into the fence. x3 So we jumped those for a little, even though half of the time Toby walked his back legs over. >.> Then Andrew tried to jump him over doubled bales and they both just kinda went face forward over it and demolished the top bale. o.O They're all good though, no one got hurt. Andrew might have a sore ass and/or back but he'll live. xD<br>But the point of this is that I know I can jump. ^-^ just not with the perfect "posture" and such, though mi heels are naturally pointing towards the ground when I ride now. ^-^ I don't even have to think about keeping them there.