<span style="font-size:75">Not sure how many people know. But I'm moving cross-country is just a few short months. I've never moved before, let alone across the country. I'm going from a 1-2 hour drive to the coastline all the way to a land-locked state. That in it's own is a bit scary. I'm going to have to try new foods when I've had what I eat nailed down for so long. On top of all this other stress.<br><br>My house was my parent's starter home. We've out grown it even though I think it's -huge-. It was meant to be two apartments. So it has the potential to have two- maybe three kitchens, three bathrooms, two master bedrooms, a large office(a whole floor, actually), two more bedrooms, and a basement. But the land is poor, we're on an intersection, and we HATE where we live. <br><br>As much as I'm relieved to move, where we're moving is not a big dream come true. It's still close to a very well known city which could mean crime will build and some cities around there are building up, and fast. Some areas are known for their crime and that's where we could be living! Plus, we might not even have a home when we move out there, which means we'll have to rent. And I doubt any place will take in five cats, two birds, one rabbit, one dog, and a turtle. <br><br>And just the housework here alone is getting to everyone. <br>My brother has about 10 totes of his stuff. four are those large 5 foot long two feet(maybe three?) tall ones, the others are the typical 1 1/2-2 feet long and 1 1/2 feet or so tall ones. I hard have enough stuff to fill one small 1x1x1 box. This is storage wise. Most of my stuff is books, the rest I'm either giving away, selling, or keeping with me. He's just getting ridiculous with all his crap! He won't throw anything away and this is quickly slowing down the pace! He's wanting to keep torn up pokemon cards that he has 5 others just like it, broken radios, old toys that he never uses.. He's have some separation issues, I can sympathize with that. I'm having a hard enough time leaving the only place I had Auzzy, but this is getting ridiculous.<br><br>My brother is adding stress to my parents who were already stressed and are now having arguments almost hourly. I've been having to sneak on the computer late at night because, while my dad is fine with us taking breaks and using the computer, if he sees me in my room, even if he saw me five minutes ago helping him or my siblings, he assumes I've been on for hours. I'm seriously getting to the point were I'm thinking he's gone crazy with this. And this isn't the first time either.<br><br>Moving is just.. crazy and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to here. I'm leaving so many commitments online behind and I feel awful. I've owed a few people art for months now, and at least two of them have paid for it already. <br><br>I'm sorry I've been so inactive. I'll try to clean up my act when I feel stable again.</span>

Goals: 13/50million VPC