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Wisdom Teeth

edited October 2009 in General Discussion
I have only one growing in, I don't think I have my top ones but they are going to be cut out soon.<br>My boyfriend is getting his done within the next two months and is making a huge deal out of it, is it really that big of a deal?<br>I heard that it usually doesn't last long and barley any pain is felt, the only thing I heard is a reaction to numbing medicine/anestisa and it was just nausea and there is a hole in your mouth for a while, but that's it.<br>Anyone else have any experiences?


  • <span style="font-size:84">Mine are way late, <br>but I only have 2 bottoms.<br><br>You get knocked out, then they take them out. <br>Sometimes people experience major swelling and soreness,<br>but a lot of the times it isn't bad at all. <br><br>XDD no worries cause you can't feel anything, <br>they will usually give you strong meds for it afterwards.<br>If not, request tylenol 3 ;D</span>
  • Yeah, I have had a lot of dental work on my mouth and it's not a big deal to me.<br>But my boyfriend on the other hand...had a bad experience with needles and went through a lot of rough surgery so it's hard to convience him it's minor. >.> xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Not to scare you.. but. xDD<br><br>My friend recently got hers removed.<br>And.. she says it was the most painful week of her life.<br><br>But it was so funny! I went out with her the next day, and.. well.<br>We call her chipmunk now. xD</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • It doesn't scare me. lol.<br>I've had to go through shots in my mouth, metal, etc.<br>I rarely hear about it being painful, it just depends on how you get them cut, how they knock you out, and how far along in development the tooth is.
  • Ah.<br>I've had this done :)<br>Except I had 8 teeth surgically removed all at once..<br>If you're going in for day sugery at a hospital like I did they put you to sleep and when you wake up a couple of hours later its done. You dont feel anything.. literally. Like for the next 2 days my entire lower face was numb, I didnt feel any pain until the 3rd day when I got feeling back.<br>Keep in mind though I had an extra 4 teeth out and my wisdoms were far off coming out they all had to be cut from my jaw bone...<br><br>As long as you have enough pain medication, dont let it get infected and take the recovery slowly you should be alright in a max of 2 weeks.<br>Good Luck :3
  • I only need one or two cut out as of now.<br>I don't think I have my top ones.<br>And thanks! :D
  • Pfft you have it easy then!<br>Nothing to worry about :)
  • lol. XD<br>Thanks.
  • With my dentist, he gives me two little purple pills of Vallium (stuff that makes you sleepy and uncoordinated) and then leaves you in the waiting room for like an hour or so (it goes by really strangely fast). And then you sit on the chair and put a needle in your vein on your arm... but the weird thing is, although you know there's a needle you can't really react the way you normally would because your brain is all messed up from the Vallium. Then you fall asleep and when you wake up you're basically finished.<br><br>You BF shouldn't be too too worried I hope. If he doesn't trust the dentists then he should be finding another clinic. When you think about it, it's an extremely thin <span style="font-style:italic">sterile</span> thing that is just poking you basically. It's not like they're taking blood - now those needles are gigantic! I hope he does well... and hope you do too! The recovery period sucks but at least you can have pudding and ice cream for all your meals!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I don't think he doesn't trust the dentist, he's just a baby when it comes to needles. xDD<br>And thanks! I'm sure we will be fine. :D
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