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edited October 2009 in Vent
Soooo the last couple of days have been bad ones- but that happens, ya know??<br><br>Only this afternoon, in between 500, when I went down to dinner, and 8, when I can back from dinner, my FREAKING sponsor account FREAKING expired!!<br><br>This wouldn't bug me so much but VP was one of the good things going for me right now. AND I thought I got the upgrade for christmas so I was not prepared because I thought it would expire in January. and so now i Lost all my rescue dogs and I can't buy any more gifites cus I have like 200 and i can't add any more cus I'm a FREAKING novice.<br><br>Phew...sorry bout that. I know I was really pissed because, look at that, there are grammar mistakes - lol.<br><br>Thanks for listening!
I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=


  • Uh, I'm sorry, that stinks. But, as weird as ir may seem, it is possible to survive and have fun while being a novice. Trust me, I've been doing it for over a year now.<br><br>But, I'm gonna throw in a little game suggestion here. Perhaps a week before a sponcer account expires, you could get a warning. So you have time to buy an upgrade. :?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Ummm why did it expire if you got it for Christmas? You should see the game ops about that.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I THOUGHT I got it for christmas, but apparently it was a different time. I don't think it was a glitch I just think I was being dumb.<br><br>and I know it's fine to be a novice, I'm just miffed cus I wasn't prepared to lose it right then and I was using it. and I lost my rescue dogs. :(
    I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=
  • Aww that sucks, if you have any pugs, I can take them and you can get rid of any dogs in your kennel.
  • Aww that sucks, if you have any pugs, I can take them and you can get rid of any dogs in your kennel.
    <br><br>As selfish and unsympathetic as that was (but I know what you mean the wording just bothered me for some reason), I looked. But I don't have any pugs.... :( sorry!
    I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=
  • Haha sorry when I wrote that I didn't realise how bad that sounded lol. I feel your pain though I would hate for that to happen, I vote second for that week before expire message it would help alot. I know I was so mad when my account expired but, I knew I couldn't pay for another one.
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