This is just a little vent. I'm just a little exasperated with it. <br><br>Alrighty, it seems whenever I want to buy a dog that someone is selling, they ask, "what would you pay?" or "what do you think it's worth?" I know some people on here do it and I'm not attacking you. I'm just getting out how I feel on this xD<br><br>But, why in the world would I tell you my price for it? If you are selling, you should be the one who makes the price, not me. I don't see car salesmen ask what you would pay for a bmw or anything xD.<br><br>It puts us buyers in a weird position. What if we offer too low? If we offer too low it may insult you. If we offer too high, it leaves us on the bad end of a deal. A good sale will be a fair price for both the buyer and the seller (this excludes auctions). A good seller will not care too much about a little difference in price. They will be fine with deals for sales in bulk (like imports). Those are the things that will keep people coming back to you to buy more. They know they'll get a good price, and in turn you'll sell more. <br><br>Another thing is that I don't see too many hagglers here, or if I do, they aren't good ones. A bad haggle is like:<br><br>Seller: What would you pay?<br>Buyer: What about 5million?<br>Seller: I was looking for more. Could you pay 12million?<br>Buyer: That's a little high, what about 7million?<br>Seller: Sorry, but I'm really looking for 12million<br><br>The right thing would be for both people to look at the item in question again and see if they really are seeing what it is worth (relating to previous sales of the same item by others, demand, etc). If that doesn't change someones views, they should then figure out a price between 7million and 10million. <br><br>Anywho, just what I think. I just don't like being asked what I would pay when you're the one selling. It almost makes me want to turn my head and find someone else. ;P
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Goals: 13/50million VPC