I'm going to answer the answer on topicc : D<br><br><br><span style="font-size:200"><br>My favorite cross breed is a turtledog! : D</span><br>nuuu its not real I know XD
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
I'm going to answer the answer on topicc : D<br><br><br><span style="font-size:200"><br>My favorite cross breed is a turtledog! : D</span><br>nuuu its not real I know XD
Hmmm... well I suppose that makes sense, about them being born fertile.<br>What's strange is that the orangutan (I think) has like 99.999% similar DNA<br>as us, but we can't reproduce with them (thank goodness...)<br><br>I don't even really know.<br><br>The Pixiebob cat is a mix of a domestic cat and Bobcat. <br>The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a mix of a GSD and a wolf.<br><br>But then why can't humans and apes reproduce?<br><br>Horses and zebras can! <br><br>I wonder if a Koala and a Kangaroo could. Are Kangaroos marsupials<br>or rodents? Because Koalas look more like they would belong in the<br>bear or related to a sloth or something, while a Kangaroo looks like they<br>could be related to a deer and a mouse at the same time. LOL even though<br>they're both known as marsupials.<br><br>*sigh* Whoever came up with Bio was really smart.
<br><br>Awww I just googled a pixiebob because I wanted to see, adorable!!!! i love bio
Sea Oats - Sorry for my miss interpretation <br><br>Reina - I was reading somewhere that people used to think Ligers were infertile (and so did i till i read this) but they found out a liger bred with a tiger or lion (cant remember but it was not a hybrid) and produced a cub... weird huh..<br><br>The Protector - It'd be funny if the rabbit tried to make babies with the kitty xD Rabbits are illegal in my stat =[ so no cabbits for me hahaha
<br><br>Illegal Rabbits?!? Why?
<br><br>I dunno why but in the state of Queensland, Australia it's illegal to keep rabbits... I spose it's got something to do with the dingo fence.<br><br>Now I know this would be highly conriversial but i've always wondered...<br><br>You know AI right? Well what if we got say a human egg and fertilised it with Human sperm (dunno if that words allowed) but yeah then put the fertilised egg back into a uterus.. but not a humans... like say a cows? their gestation period is quite close to a humans... I've thought about nutrients and such and how the embryo of a human would receive the nurtients through what a cow eats... but like calfs have to have to same kind of nutriens to develop so yeah... I dunno it'd be interesting... Obviously not moral for a human to come out of a cow.. but sould it be possibly done with like putting cats fertilised eggs into a female dog? Cause their gestation periods arent too different either... and well their nutrient intake would be closer related than a cow to human... but yeah how interesting... I dunno if anyone else has aver though about it...
Hmmm... well I suppose that makes sense, about them being born fertile.<br>What's strange is that the orangutan (I think) has like 99.999% similar DNA<br>as us, but we can't reproduce with them (thank goodness...)<br><br>I don't even really know.<br><br>The Pixiebob cat is a mix of a domestic cat and Bobcat. <br>The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a mix of a GSD and a wolf.<br><br>But then why can't humans and apes reproduce?<br><br>Horses and zebras can! <br><br>I wonder if a Koala and a Kangaroo could. Are Kangaroos marsupials<br>or rodents? Because Koalas look more like they would belong in the<br>bear or related to a sloth or something, while a Kangaroo looks like they<br>could be related to a deer and a mouse at the same time. LOL even though<br>they're both known as marsupials.<br><br>*sigh* Whoever came up with Bio was really smart.
<br><br>Awww I just googled a pixiebob because I wanted to see, adorable!!!! i love bio
Sea Oats - Sorry for my miss interpretation <br><br>Reina - I was reading somewhere that people used to think Ligers were infertile (and so did i till i read this) but they found out a liger bred with a tiger or lion (cant remember but it was not a hybrid) and produced a cub... weird huh..<br><br>The Protector - It'd be funny if the rabbit tried to make babies with the kitty xD Rabbits are illegal in my stat =[ so no cabbits for me hahaha
<br><br>Illegal Rabbits?!? Why?
<br><br>I dunno why but in the state of Queensland, Australia it's illegal to keep rabbits... I spose it's got something to do with the dingo fence.<br><br>Now I know this would be highly conriversial but i've always wondered...<br><br>You know AI right? Well what if we got say a human egg and fertilised it with Human sperm (dunno if that words allowed) but yeah then put the fertilised egg back into a uterus.. but not a humans... like say a cows? their gestation period is quite close to a humans... I've thought about nutrients and such and how the embryo of a human would receive the nurtients through what a cow eats... but like calfs have to have to same kind of nutriens to develop so yeah... I dunno it'd be interesting... Obviously not moral for a human to come out of a cow.. but sould it be possibly done with like putting cats fertilised eggs into a female dog? Cause their gestation periods arent too different either... and well their nutrient intake would be closer related than a cow to human... but yeah how interesting... I dunno if anyone else has aver though about it...
<br><br><span style="font-size:50">"Sperm" better be allowed.. it's a breeding game!</span><br><br>Yeah, I'm sure people have thought about that. Like.. about 10 years ago or so they found a frozen Woolly Mammoth some place and were thinking of remaking it by putting its DNA in with an Elephant's egg somehow (not sure how that would all go down) so the Elephant would be like a surrogate mother for a Woolly Mammoth/Elephant thing.<br><br>But.. I'm pretty sure it's biologically <span style="font-style:italic">impossible</span> for a human or an animal to surrogate another animal OUTSIDE of the species. For example a human and cat, dog and cat, human and cow, etc. <br><br>Now, on the subject of cabbits, cats and rabbits are not the same species. Cats are Feline and rabbits are Leporidae. <br><br>The "Cabbit" is probably just physically mutated. The little story about how they "accidentally" put the rabbit sperm in with the cat ova is ridiculous. I bet they're lying. No one who handles gametes is that stupid or unorganized. And if they are, it was probably just a mutation within the cat ovum in reaction to the sperm of a different species.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
ALSO, I just thought of something that I learned in Biology 12. It's quite complicated but if you really want to know I'll try to make it easy for you. <br><br>In blood types, there's this thing called Rh. It is an antigen. Antigens induce the production of an <span style="text-decoration:underline">antibody</span>. Antibodies recognize "invading substances" and kill them to protect the body from unrecognized things.<br><br> Everyone either is Rh+ or Rh-. Rh+ means that you DO have the Rh antigen, and Rh- means you don't. <br><br>Now, let's say the <span style="font-weight:bold">father is Rh-</span> and the mother is <span style="font-weight:bold">Rh+</span> and they get pregnant together. The antigens create "antisperm antibodies" which mistake the male Rh- sperm for an invader and start to attack it even after fertilization and as the baby starts to grow, the antibodies cross the placenta and attack the baby. When this happens, the baby will probably be born with an immune or blood problem. <br><br>So in the case of surrogate animals within different species, there isn't so much a question of whether the biological dam will be Rh- and the surrogate dam will be Rh+, the antibodies that already exist within EVERYONE, will attack and kill (along with white blood cells, etc) a fertilized egg of a different species. Why? The DNA is unrecognizable. It will have a spontaneous abortion within the surrogate and end with that.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
<br>What's strange is that the orangutan (I think) has like 99.999% similar DNA<br>as us, but we can't reproduce with them (thank goodness...)<br>
<br>that's what you say.<br>Go look at my brother. I promise you if you enter his room he'll throw a banana at you. Or possibly bite you. He uses his feet to pick things up alot, and he's hairy. Oh, and bananas happen to be his favorite fruit. 8D
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
Sea Oats - Sorry for my miss interpretation <br><br>Reina - I was reading somewhere that people used to think Ligers were infertile (and so did i till i read this) but they found out a liger bred with a tiger or lion (cant remember but it was not a hybrid) and produced a cub... weird huh..<br><br>The Protector - It'd be funny if the rabbit tried to make babies with the kitty xD Rabbits are illegal in my stat =[ so no cabbits for me hahaha
<br><br>Illegal Rabbits?!? Why?
<br><br>I dunno why but in the state of Queensland, Australia it's illegal to keep rabbits... I spose it's got something to do with the dingo fence.<br><br>Now I know this would be highly conriversial but i've always wondered...<br><br>You know AI right? Well what if we got say a human egg and fertilised it with Human sperm (dunno if that words allowed) but yeah then put the fertilised egg back into a uterus.. but not a humans... like say a cows? their gestation period is quite close to a humans... I've thought about nutrients and such and how the embryo of a human would receive the nurtients through what a cow eats... but like calfs have to have to same kind of nutriens to develop so yeah... I dunno it'd be interesting... Obviously not moral for a human to come out of a cow.. but sould it be possibly done with like putting cats fertilised eggs into a female dog? Cause their gestation periods arent too different either... and well their nutrient intake would be closer related than a cow to human... but yeah how interesting... I dunno if anyone else has aver though about it...
<br><br>Rabbits are illegal in areas of Austrailia because they are a pest animal, and if they get loose and reproduce, they can really mess the ecosystem up
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Please PM me if I win anything.
- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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