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Cabbits, Zebroids, and Ligers Oh My!

So I just saw a picture of a cabbit and now I WANT one xD, what are your favorite crossed animals?


  • Hands down it's a Liger!! 8) Hybrid Vigor at its finest!
  • Whuh- cabbit? What's that a cross of? xDDD
  • xDDD wait nevermind, I thought you were talking about real live hybrids xD.
  • I am swear cabbits and ligers are real
  • Ligers are real, never heard of a Cabbit. O.o
  • Personally I don't believe in the breeding of ligers or any other cross breeds. (Like, wild animal cross breeds.) In nature, a lion and a tiger wouldn't mate, so they are sometimes bred in captivity. However, this can produce multiple health problems, and just think what would happen if a liger was released in the wild and mated with a lion or tiger or something. It would cause a huge line of unhealthy wild animals.<br><br>Anyways, don't mean to rain on your parade, just stating my opinion, go on with your post. :)
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Ligers are cool but I don't believe in forcing it either. But cabbits (half rabbit half cat) are close enough with their genes theyre possible to breed kinda like a mule.
  • Personally I don't believe in the breeding of ligers or any other cross breeds. (Like, wild animal cross breeds.) In nature, a lion and a tiger wouldn't mate, so they are sometimes bred in captivity. However, this can produce multiple health problems, and just think what would happen if a liger was released in the wild and mated with a lion or tiger or something. It would cause a huge line of unhealthy wild animals.<br><br>Anyways, don't mean to rain on your parade, just stating my opinion, go on with your post. :)
    <br><br>Actually some animals like that will breed in the wild...maybe not a lion and tiger, but polar bears and grizzly bears are known to breed becuase their habitats cross and so do their mating season.<br><br>Cabbits on the other hand, I don't think a cat and rabbit would ever breed. xD
  • Photoshop FTW.<br><br>If cabbits existed, they'd be cute.<br><br>Cabbits are from an anime, btw. =p Tenshi Muyo, I think? has a lot of images of anime animals photoshopped into looking as if they were real. I've seen Cubone, among others. =3
  • No, Cabbits are truley real. This picture may not be actuarate but their formal name is a Manx Cat. We always talk about it in science
  • A rabbit and a cat cannot interbreed. Their chromosomes are totally different. However, there are some cats that have funky legs and hop like a rabbit.
  • Personally I don't believe in the breeding of ligers or any other cross breeds. (Like, wild animal cross breeds.) In nature, a lion and a tiger wouldn't mate, so they are sometimes bred in captivity. However, this can produce multiple health problems, and just think what would happen if a liger was released in the wild and mated with a lion or tiger or something. It would cause a huge line of unhealthy wild animals.<br><br>Anyways, don't mean to rain on your parade, just stating my opinion, go on with your post. :)
    <br><br>Ligers and Tigons (it depends on which big cat is the sire in accordance to the name) have been thought to be sterile, once a liger mated in the past and produced just one cub from it, the cub was fragile in heath but lived through adulthood... If they were to be bred they would not be released into the wild.<br><br>Are you against Bengal cats? They're a hybrid... there's nothing wrong with them health wise.
  • That's probably either the cutest or ugliest thing I've ever seen... xD
  • <br><br>I doubt that's true, the cat could just be deformed, and I don't see that as being a reliable source.
  • <span style="font-size:92">Yea.. cabbits aren't real. That'd be like trying to get a human to reproduce with an ape.. it's just not possible because of the difference in genes and chromosomes, as zagari said, even if they're very closely related.<br><br>Manx cats just have stubby tails and ear tufts, they look nothing like rabbits at all.<br><br>Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, apes have 24 pairs.<br><br>Cats have 38 pairs of chromosomes and rabbits have 22.<br><br>It's impossible. :D</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Humans with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46...
  • Humans with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46...
    <br><span style="font-size:92">Yes, and that's a genetic disorder, and you can see clearly that they don't function like a normal human being by any standard.<br><br>If anything that should show you what a mix of chromosomes WOULD do if it were possible.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    Humans with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46...
    <br><span style="font-size:92">Yes, and that's a genetic disorder, and you can see clearly that they don't function like a normal human being by any standard.<br><br>If anything that should show you what a mix of chromosomes WOULD do if it were possible.</span>
    <br><br>I'm not saying we should mix chromosomes or anything, youre reading too much into things here :wink: <br><br>The animals that can mix and become hybrids are cool. But I'm not trying to say there was a deffinate 'cabbit' it just looks like one. I'm not saying we should even try to make one.<br><br>But I dont think you should be so rude as to say people with down syndrome don't function normal. No one in this entire world is normal and I don't think a standard should be set as to who is normal and who is below normal. That's definately wrong.
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">Yea.. cabbits aren't real. That'd be like trying to get a human to reproduce with an ape.. it's just not possible because of the difference in genes and chromosomes, as zagari said, even if they're very closely related.<br><br>Manx cats just have stubby tails and ear tufts, they look nothing like rabbits at all.<br><br>Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, apes have 24 pairs.<br><br>Cats have 38 pairs of chromosomes and rabbits have 22.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">It's impossible.</span> :D</span>
    <br>No strictly true,<br><br>For cats a rabbits, I'd say it's impossible.<br><br>But think, Donkey x horse = mule [thats 64 + 62 choromosomes. Mules have 63]<br><br>zebra x donkey = zonkey [which is 32/46[depends on species of zebra] and 64 choromosomes]<br><br>Or Hose x zebra? [62 + 32/46[again depending on species]]<br><br>Not to mention Ligers and Begals, I heard about a whale/dolphin cross somewehre as well - not sure if that was true but I'll look it up.<br><br><br>Fact is - It is possible for closely related species to breed. Horse/Zebra/Donkey are all members of the Equidae family, in the genus Equus.<br><br>With that - I do not believe a cat and a rabbit could breed,<br>but as for the ape/human - I'd say it's possible.
  • Personally I don't believe in the breeding of ligers or any other cross breeds. (Like, wild animal cross breeds.) In nature, a lion and a tiger wouldn't mate, so they are sometimes bred in captivity. However, this can produce multiple health problems, and just think what would happen if a liger was released in the wild and mated with a lion or tiger or something. It would cause a huge line of unhealthy wild animals.<br><br>Anyways, don't mean to rain on your parade, just stating my opinion, go on with your post. :)
    <br><br>Ligers and Tigons (it depends on which big cat is the sire in accordance to the name) have been thought to be sterile, once a liger mated in the past and produced just one cub from it, the cub was fragile in heath but lived through adulthood... If they were to be bred they would not be released into the wild.<br><br>Are you against Bengal cats? They're a hybrid... there's nothing wrong with them health wise.
    <br><br>No....I just don't like it when people breed two different species of animal together and create health problems.....I'm not a genious on the subject but what I heard is that in some animals such as ligers it can create health problems and what not. :?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    Humans with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of 46...
    <br><span style="font-size:92">Yes, and that's a genetic disorder, and you can see clearly that they don't function like a normal human being by any standard.<br><br>If anything that should show you what a mix of chromosomes WOULD do if it were possible.</span>
    <br><br>I'm not saying we should mix chromosomes or anything, youre reading too much into things here :wink: <br><br>The animals that can mix and become hybrids are cool. But I'm not trying to say there was a deffinate 'cabbit' it just looks like one. I'm not saying we should even try to make one.<br><br>But I dont think you should be so rude as to say people with down syndrome don't function normal. No one in this entire world is normal and I don't think a standard should be set as to who is normal and who is below normal. That's definately wrong.
    <br><span style="font-size:92">I knew someone would have something to say about that. And it wasn't meant to be rude, but people with Down's -don't- function normally. They just don't. I don't have a better way to put that, but they have developmental (physically and emotionally) disabilities that keep them from being able to function like a healthy, 23 pair chromosome human being. You're right, nobody is normal, but you obviously took that the wrong way because I didn't mean as in their 'weird' and shouldn't be accepted.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • This reminds me of the book <span style="text-decoration:underline">Next</span> by Michael Crichton. <br>It's a pretty neat genetics book.
  • Pretty sure Ligers and Tigons and all that are born infertile anyway. So even if it did happen in the wild there wouldn't be a long line of Tigons or whatever.<br><br>Cats = Feline. <br>Rabbits = Leporidae.<br><br>Cats and rabbits cannot reproduce. If they can, then we've just found where Science 'cracks.'<br><br>That's why wolves and dogs can reproduce, even though wolf and domestic dog is out of species, they're both Canis.<br><br>Domestic cats = Subfamily Felinae,<br>Wild (big) cats = Subfamily Panthera. <br><br>Therefore a Lion and a domestic cat could not reproduce together.<br><br>A Lion and a Tiger CAN reproduce together because they're of the same subfamily.<br><br><br>Don't mean to teach Biology here, but Cabbits are not real. Maybe by some form of artifical DNA sequencing but definitely not in the wild.<br><br>P.S. The pic of that cabbit is CREEPY!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I'm very interested in all the discssion this has brought, I actually am starting to think of conducting an experiment and publishing my results but then I thought about it. I cant, I'm not allowed to have a cat or rabbit.
  • Sea Oats - Sorry for my miss interpretation ;)<br><br>Reina - I was reading somewhere that people used to think Ligers were infertile (and so did i till i read this) but they found out a liger bred with a tiger or lion (cant remember but it was not a hybrid) and produced a cub... weird huh..<br><br>The Protector - It'd be funny if the rabbit tried to make babies with the kitty xD Rabbits are illegal in my stat =[ so no cabbits for me hahaha
  • Sea Oats - Sorry for my miss interpretation ;)<br><br>Reina - I was reading somewhere that people used to think Ligers were infertile (and so did i till i read this) but they found out a liger bred with a tiger or lion (cant remember but it was not a hybrid) and produced a cub... weird huh..<br><br>The Protector - It'd be funny if the rabbit tried to make babies with the kitty xD Rabbits are illegal in my stat =[ so no cabbits for me hahaha
    <br><br>Illegal Rabbits?!? Why?
  • Hmmm... well I suppose that makes sense, about them being born fertile.<br>What's strange is that the orangutan (I think) has like 99.999% similar DNA<br>as us, but we can't reproduce with them (thank goodness...)<br><br>I don't even really know.<br><br>The Pixiebob cat is a mix of a domestic cat and Bobcat. <br>The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a mix of a GSD and a wolf.<br><br>But then why can't humans and apes reproduce?<br><br>Horses and zebras can! <br><br>I wonder if a Koala and a Kangaroo could. Are Kangaroos marsupials<br>or rodents? Because Koalas look more like they would belong in the<br>bear or related to a sloth or something, while a Kangaroo looks like they<br>could be related to a deer and a mouse at the same time. LOL even though<br>they're both known as marsupials.<br><br>*sigh* Whoever came up with Bio was really smart.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • No, Cabbits are truley real. This picture may not be actuarate but their formal name is a Manx Cat. We always talk about it in science
    <br><br>Your science teacher is sadly misinformed. <br><br>The Manx (Manx: Kayt Manninagh or Stubbin) is a breed of cat with a naturally occurring mutation of the spine. This mutation shortens the tail, resulting in a range of tail lengths from normal to tail-less. Many Manx have a small "stub" of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tail-less; this is the distinguishing characteristic of the breed and a cat body type genetic mutation.
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