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Disrespectful Freaking People.

edited November 2009 in Vent
Okay this is definately not going to be a nice vent because, warning you now, im pissed.<br><br>So my friend's step-mom passed away on Friday. I was friends with as stated before, her step son, and i knew her other three kids and always loved them. They were all such a sweet family.<br><br>But anyway that's beside the point. The funeral was today and i was already upset and such i guess what happened wouldn't have gotten to me near as bad if it wasn't someone i knew but...<br><br>As the funeral precession was driving down the road (cop in front, herse, and then cop behind) i was AMAZED at how inconsiderate people were. People flying around people who had pulled on to the side of the road, people driving right up beside the precession never giving a flipping care to what was going on. I have never in my life seen more disrespectul people.<br><br>>.<<br>Ugh.


  • *hugs* You decided to go?<br><br><br>I know that always happens here. Most of the time though people don't have one because they know for everyone it might just be easier to not go in a group. But I understand where your coming from.<br><br>People are really disrespectful but just think of all the other things that is disrespectful and people still do it. It not going to change but, we can hope. Just try and forget it as buch as you can Buffy! Life sucks and then you die....<br><br>My mom always says that *rolls eyes*<br><br>silly lilly ;)
  • It's not personal most of the time, thank God.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I know where your both coming from...<br>No it wasn't personal, but just the fact that people can really be that disrespectful in their own community. Until the tables are turned and they expect you to show them respect.<br><br>ugh. :roll:
  • Buffy wrote:
    Okay this is definately not going to be a nice vent because, warning you now, im pissed.<br><br>So my friend's step-mom passed away on Friday. I was friends with as stated before, her step son, and i knew her other three kids and always loved them. They were all such a sweet family.<br><br>But anyway that's beside the point. The funeral was today and i was already upset and such i guess what happened wouldn't have gotten to me near as bad if it wasn't someone i knew but...<br><br>As the funeral precession was driving down the road (cop in front, herse, and then cop behind) i was AMAZED at how inconsiderate people were. People flying around people who had pulled on to the side of the road, people driving right up beside the precession never giving a flipping care to what was going on. I have never in my life seen more disrespectul people.<br><br>>.<<br>Ugh.
    <br><br><br><br><br>That's <span style="font-weight:bold">Really</span> Disrespectful of those people. Really some people just need to be less selfish sometimes.. Horrible horrible horrible.
    Back in action?
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