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Wouldn't it Be Cool If...

Recently the whole deviantART crew met up in the chicago area. There were sales on all sorts of art, with all sorts of funky people. <br><br>I, sadly wasn't able to get down there...for no-one would take me, and I had no money to spend. xD<br><br>THAT'S NOWT MY POINT THOUGH... xDDD<br><br>It would be sweet if VP had a..a..some sort of like VP-Convention. You could meet all your vpian friends, but I really don't think VP has the resorces what-so-ever to do that, but it's a cool concept right? I don't think this will happen in the near or far future. But it sounds pretty cool!! xDD<br><br>Just a thought. Just a thought. C:
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  • It's been done before.<br><br>Nef went to Sea World in San Antonio one time and invited anyone/everyone from vp to come out too. =D<br><br>That was at least a couple years ago, probably more than that lol
  • Buffy wrote:
    It's been done before.<br><br>Nef went to Sea World in San Antonio one time and invited anyone/everyone from vp to come out too. =D<br><br>That was at least a couple years ago, probably more than that lol
    <br><br>No way! Really!? I probley wasn't here. However, that sounds amazing. I don't think I could explain it to my mom to fly me to San Antonio for "Virtual Pups". xDD Hopefully, something like this will happen when I'm old enough to fly my ownslelf out there. xDD
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  • yeah it was never like an "organized convention" or anything she just said she was going and that everyone was invited to meet out there.<br>I didn't go because i wasn't really all that big into the game then.<br>But there's a few people here that i keep in contact with in RL via phone and such =D
  • Buffy wrote:
    yeah it was never like an "organized convention" or anything she just said she was going and that everyone was invited to meet out there.<br>I didn't go because i wasn't really all that big into the game then.<br>But there's a few people here that i keep in contact with in RL via phone and such =D
    <br><br>Mhm Mhm me too. x3 No one would want to talk to me on the phone because I always get side tracked and you forget your even talking on the phone to me! xDD<br><br>I still think an orginized convention would be fantastic. >;3
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  • I was a newbie when the sea world thing happened so like 4 years ago atleast :/
  • pssh i dislike this xD I wouldnt be able to go Dx<br><br>Actually I think that would be awesome! :P<br>Could be a lot of risks involved though now VP is bigger.. with stalkers and all o.o
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">Wheaty-</span> Yep Yep. I'd prolly never be able to get there. :cry: But It would be so so Fun if I could. xD<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">.clozo bozo.-</span> Yea, that's pretty much what I was thinking. But conventions are big, so I don't think we'd be stalked by creepers. xD But I thought about that too. x3
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  • Vampy, You'd know it was me because I'd have a giant sign with all my buddie's names on it, plus, I'd be wearing something chicken costume. >3<
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  • XD id bring Vampire Teeth and go around randomly biting people LOL
  • I could see you all being like "Hi! Vampire Venom! *NOM*". I'd be passing out buttons...with something like "Vote for Chibs". And people would be like "...were not voting for anything..." I wouldn't care. Buttons are a nessessity.
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  • -random-<br>XD my cousin's code name is buttins... min is 5 XD ROFL
  • If I go I'll bring my dog to ward off stalkers. ;)
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    If I go I'll bring my dog to ward off stalkers. ;)
    <br><br>LOL! We'd have to run from reinas attack doggy. xDD
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  • <br>Actually I think that would be awesome! :P<br>Could be a lot of risks involved though now VP is bigger.. with stalkers and all o.o
    <br><br>I have a high doubt that there would be stalkers becuase most of us know each other pretty well, and the newbies most likely wouldn't show up. :wink:
  • That would be amazing. If that ever happens, we have to wear lime green signs around our necks that say our player names xDD
  • xD And we'd have these<br>______________<br>lHello my name is l<br>l _____________ l<br>l______________l<br><br>things filled with Vampire and Pepper, chibi, all kinds of crazy stuff.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    xD And we'd have these<br>______________<br>lHello my name is l<br>l _____________ l<br>l______________l<br><br>things filled with Vampire and Pepper, chibi, all kinds of crazy stuff.
    <br><br>YEAH, HALLOW MY NAME IS CHIBI! xD 8D That would be so fun! I wishiwishiwish! x33
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  • Pepper97 wrote:
    xD And we'd have these<br>______________<br>lHello my name is l<br>l _____________ l<br>l______________l<br><br>things filled with Vampire and Pepper, chibi, all kinds of crazy stuff.
    <br><br>YEAH, HALLOW MY NAME IS CHIBI! xD 8D That would be so fun! I wishiwishiwish! x33
    <br><br><br>Haha I bursted with laughingness when I read that xD! :lol: <br><br><br>
    reina__ wrote:
    If I go I'll bring my dog to ward off stalkers. ;)
    <br><br>LOL! We'd have to run from reinas attack doggy. xDD
    <br><br><br>I'd bring my 19in iguana to protect me, unless he decides to bite my ear while perched on my shoulder *Stares at iguana* OMG evil looks, look away, look away
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    xD And we'd have these<br>______________<br>lHello my name is l<br>l _____________ l<br>l______________l<br><br>things filled with Vampire and Pepper, chibi, all kinds of crazy stuff.
    <br><br>YEAH, HALLOW MY NAME IS CHIBI! xD 8D That would be so fun! I wishiwishiwish! x33
    <br><br><br>Haha I bursted with laughingness when I read that xD! :lol: <br><br><br>
    reina__ wrote:
    If I go I'll bring my dog to ward off stalkers. ;)
    <br><br>LOL! We'd have to run from reinas attack doggy. xDD
    <br><br><br>I'd bring my 19in iguana to protect me, unless he decides to bite my ear while perched on my shoulder *Stares at iguana* OMG evil looks, look away, look away
    <br><br>iguanas are soooooo soooooo soooooooooooooo cuteeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • reina__ wrote:
    If I go I'll bring my dog to ward off stalkers. ;)
    <br><br>LOL! We'd have to run from reinas attack doggy. xDD
    <br><br>Nuuuuu she only attacks mean scary people! :lol: Not really, but she could and probably would if the chance came for her to. But she loves people I love so it's all good LOL :P
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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