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HELP! My puppy's eye! *URGENT!

Sayge, my 4-month-old Cocker Spaniel/Poodle/Shih-Tzu mix has developed a lump near her eyelid. I didn't notice it until today, after her fur parted near her eye as I gave her a bath.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>It's really scaring me and she doesn't want anyone to touch it. At first I assumed it was eye goop (didn't really look at it) and tried to wipe it off with a baby wipe. She yelped so I stopped and looked at it. Her face has been a bit sore lately, but I thought maybe she'd hurt it a little bit while playing with the other dogs (at the time there was no visible sores or cuts, etc.)<br><br>Does anyone know what it is? Is it a disease common in puppies or any of her breeds? If I could find the name of what she has, I could properly explain to the vet what it is. I have about $156 put away as an vet fund in case something like this happened, so I'm hoping to get in into the vet soon.<br><br>PLEASE HELP. I'm really scared.


  • Looks to me like a tick...<br>Im actually just about sure it is.<br>Nothing you need to go to the vet over...<br>Just need to get it off of the pup :wink:<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 764eb4.jpg</a> <<see
  • My mom's friend said it's probably a sist, which is common in Shepherds.<br>She said her dog, Duke, used to get them often and the vet said it was a sist.<br>It does look like a tick, but she won't let me touch it so I don't think I could get it off her.<br>I put a hot/warm cloth on it and it seemed to "deflate" or flatten a little bit.<br>So I'm thinking it's not a tick?<br>I don't know, though.
  • It looks like a tick to me. <br>but i could be wrong...
  • I agree it <span style="text-decoration:underline">looks</span> like a tick.<br>But if it's not, and I use tweezers to pull it off... that's what I'm worried about.<br>Plus, do ticks cause redness around where they've bitten?<br>Would a tick cause a dog to yelp when you touched the area it was in?<br>Her face has been sore for a few days. Could the tick have been there without being noticed for that long?
  • It does look like a tick. I'm thinking she might have been bitten, you should call a vet a first and see what they say and then if it's anything serious take her to the vet.
  • thats what I thought it was too xD you'd probably be able to see legs or something on it though... if you can get where you can touch it.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I have touched it and tried to move it to see all of its sides. It does resemble a tick, yes. And I'm thinking it's not a cyst. But I don't see any legs on it.<br><br>I wish I could call the vet RIGHT NOW. But the vet's not open Saturdays or Sundays and we have NO emergency vets around. It's pathetic.<br><br>I just really want to know what's wrong with my baby and want her out of pain as quick as possible... We're taking her to get looked at by my mom's friend (who knows a lot about dogs and cysts) and hopefully she'll identify what it is. If it's a tick then at least we can get it off her and she'll be okay afterwards (unless the tick gave her a disease. Which means we'll have to get her checked.)<br><br>Anyone know of any good tick/flea collars for <span style="font-weight:bold">puppies</span>? In case it is a tick, I need to get some collars or SOMETHING for each of my dogs so they don't get them too.
  • I am pretty sure its a tick<br>Here look at this link <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ms_dog.jpg</a><br>My mom used to raise dachshunds so we had lots of ticks on our dogs because we live out in the country so they are easy to handle you just have to make sure you get the head out then it will have a sore spot for a while but it will go away and it will be sore and stuff hope that helps
    Looking for upgrade.
  • I haven't seen or heard of a dog being in that much pain because of a tick.<br>My poodles and cats get them all the time and we just pluck them off and they don't yelp or anything, it could be as Ludie said, a cyst. Or she could have been bitten by something. :? <br>Look online for any possible answers.
  • It looks like a tick to me.<br><br>as Lolli said, I don't think a dog should be in <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> much pain from one.<br><br>But, I think it's a tick.<br>and I think the reason your dog is in so much pain because of it is because it is so close to her eye..<br>and probably just makes her extremely nervous when someone touches it.<br>and because the skin is usually more weak around the eye.<br><br>^just my guess.<br><br>Good luck though Luders );
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • The only reason I don't think it's a tick is because.<br><br>
    Her face has been a bit sore lately, but I thought maybe she'd hurt it a little bit while playing with the other dogs (at the time there was no visible sores or cuts, etc.)
    <br><br>If it's been sore before she got that then I would doubt it was a tick.<br>Unless she got bitten/hurt and then got a tick. And that's why it's sore. O.o
  • Im pretty sure It -is- a tick, And a nasty one at that D:<br>The reason i believe it is sore is because its burrowed so far into her head that its caused swelling.. <br>Ive worked with dogs for over 10years and my experiance of ticks is that they are white and the bigger they are, the longer theyve been there
  • Thats what im definately thinking.<br>it hurts because of where it is. <br>all up by her eye.<br><br>usually when they get that huge they're very deeply burried into the skin and such. <br>which is probably why she's hurting so much.
  • It is a tick.<br>And you need to get it off, considering ticks can carry diseases.<br>It is sensitive because of where it is located.
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  • As everyone else has said, it's probably a tick. At my house we've used rubbing alcohol to get them off, but my dad's also held a match to it on our much calmer dogs to get the tick to let go. I'd try dabbing at it with rubbing alcohol- if it's a tick, it'll likely let go, if it's not then all you'll be doing is disinfecting- not always a bad thing. xD
  • Thanks to everyone who answered and tried to help.<br>Buffy, who suggested it first, was right (along with others) by saying it was a tick.<br>Darned thing was causing her pain because it was unusually close to her eye. D:<<br>We got it out almost immediately, disinfected it, and put polysporin on the wound.<br>She's fine and the wound where the tick was is now gone and she's letting me touch her face without any complaints now!<br>We bought her a PUPPY tick/flea collar that she's wearing.<br><br>It's weird. I've had two dogs (one for 9 years, the other for 3) and I've never had ticks or fleas! But I'm thinking that Sayge is so short and close to the ground (plus she's long-haired) that the ticks have a little bit of a better chance getting onto her.<br><br>The tick had no visible legs when I looked at it! Which is odd and why I was unsure it was a tick or not (added with my ignorance of what ticks look like/are like). We guessed it'd been there for three days, unnoticed because her fur had been in the way until I bathed her and her hair moved out of the way.<br><br>Again, thanks to everyone who helped! I appreciate it.
  • I hope you checked the tube and it said it was safe for use around eyes. As the gel melts, it may run into her eyes.
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