Hey, I'm redoing this because the last person has been having RL difficulties and hasn't been able to get on very often. <br><br>{ References }<br><br>3eagles - Gifty dye<br>Nutty McQuackedOut<br>lovefrompaige<br>Trianna - Sponsor Upgrade<br>tiffer<br>*Ask pretty much anyone on the forum who's been on for a while.<br>I've held a few auctions that involved my RL money & VP currency.<br><br>{ How This Will Work }<br><br>- I am taking bids of only trainings. <br>- I will send you the BIN # of dogs to train throughout a RL length of time.<br>- I will purchase the Sponsor Upgrade on a set day, but if the trainings are<br>not finished before then, you agree to pay me an extra $10 million every<br>2 weeks thereafter. <br>- If you do not pay me an extra $10 mil per two weeks after the date set<br>for me to buy the Upgrade, I won't buy the Upgrade altogether. <br>- YOU MUST be a Sponsor Trainer with 100 TRAINING SKILL. No buts.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"> Date to Buy the Upgrade: November 20, 2009 </span><br><br><span style="color:red">So yes, you do have a fair amount of time. If you think you cannot<br>complete said amount of dogs before November 20, PLEASE message me<br>at most 1 month before and I will extend it for you, not more than 1 month.</span><br><br>{ Bids }<br><br>SB: 50 dogs <span style="font-weight:bold">by Avla</span><br>HB: 80 dogs<br>BIN: 140 dogs<br><br><span style="color:red">Trainings will include:<br>- Grooms til 10 or 11 maximum.<br>- RHing (or FP) til 10 or 11 maximum.<br>- Groom/RH combos til 10 maximum.<br>- Stat/skill max without and with aggression (non imports).</span><br><br>Number and training type will be said in the notes.<br>I will keep track of the # of dogs trained so you don't have to.<br><br>I also expect you to either refrain from training others' OR <br>make my dogs priority to train. There are consequences if you run out of<br>time. Sorry but it's true...<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Happy bidding!</span><br><br><span style="font-size:67">If you BIN and decide you want to do this with a partner, <br># of dogs to be trained shall go up by 40%.<br><br>For example, BIN could be 200 dogs. 200 x 0.4 = 80 + 200 = 280.</span>
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.