<span style="font-size:75">Oh gosh.

<br><br>So. Yesterday we had a little.....mystery.<br><br>A couple months ago, my little sister (who's seven) and I got beta fish. I named mine Poptart and she named her's Midnight. We had them in seperate bowls because they were both males. (Male betas attack each other for those who know nothing about them.

)<br><br>Well, unfortunatly we share a room. :? <br><br>Anyways, back to my point, mine was on my desk and hers was on the bookshelf. Two nights ago we had cleaned out the bowls. Yesterday morning my mom fed the fish. Everything was normal. Then.....Last night I came upstairs and my mom hurried me into my room whispering. "I can't find Elisa's fish!" My dad was looking around the bowl laughing, my sister was in the bathroom with no idea that her fish was "missing," and my mom was worrying.<br><br>Well. We looked in the plant in the bowl to see if he was possibly hiding in it. My dad looked behind the shelf to see if it had jumped out. We do have two cats, but they've never tried to get them, and even if they did the bowl would be knocked over and there would be water all over. My mom starting wondering if she should tell my sister or not. "Should I tell her? Do you think she'll cry? I don't want her to cry and not get to sleep." <br><br>My dad went downstairs and my sister came out of the bathroom. Then my mom says "Well. I found it."<br>"Found what?" My sister asks. My mom explains that we couldn't find her fish. Guess what. It was on my bean bag chair. It must have some how flipped out of the bowl and flopped down to the bean bag. <br>"Is it dead? It looks like it's dead!" My sister says. It was dead, obviously.<br><br>I told my dad we found the fish and he came and picked it up and flushed it down the toilet.<br><br>I braced myself for the tears to flow.<br><br>"We can get another one," my mom said.<br><br>And guess what my sister said.<br><br>"No thanks, I don't want another one, they're to much work. But can I keep the flowers in his bowl?" :shock: <br><br>"Um, sure!" Says my mom.<br><br>And then my sister goes to bed. And that was that.<br><br>But I can tell you one thing. I don't think I'll ever sit on the bean bag again. Dead, floppy fish give me the hebejebes.<br><br>Thanks for reading my little tale.

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